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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum DIET & CARE hey… who needs hay?

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    • babybunsmum
      3896 posts Send Private Message

        i found an online lisitng for places that sell hay by the bale for anyone who’s interested… for u.s. & canada only sorry

      • Scarlet_Rose
        4293 posts Send Private Message

          Cool! Thanks for sharing that find!

        • DustBunneh'sMama
          77 posts Send Private Message

            Luckily, I live in Wisconsin, America’s dairy land, so we have tons of cows, and tons of hay. However, my bunny doesn’t really like the pasture grass hay I got for him. Well, or the special oat hay I bought for him off a special bunny website…hmmm, I’m going to try the 6-in-1 from here and see how that goes. However, at this point I am gathering quite the hay collection!  Ha ha.

          • MooBunnay
            3087 posts Send Private Message

              What an interesting find! I think that would be especially helpful for people in California. Fortunately, now that I am in North Dallas, I just have to go a bit further North before hitting farmland

            • BunnyLugs
              117 posts Send Private Message

                You know what, it’s weird, I have to be fussy about the kind of hay I buy because I’m seriously allergic to timothy hay, but not the other kind? Any one else have this trouble??

              • Bunnies4ever
                368 posts Send Private Message

                  YES! I’m allergic to the timothy hay also. I sneeze and my hands break out in welts. I have to use gloves when handling it. I don’t have any problems with other types of hay, but my buns seem to love timothy the best. My allergies seem to be worse with the flakes and bales, and not so bad with the store brought timothy. I can handle Oxbow brand without too much trouble.

                • MooBunnay
                  3087 posts Send Private Message

                    Timothy makes me sneeze (and my throat itch) and I get welts too if I handle it and any of it even grazes my skin. A bad thing?? No, because now my fiance has permanent hay duty

                  • babybunsmum
                    3896 posts Send Private Message

                      interesting… i hadn’t thought about this until reading your posts about allergies, but my allergies were pretty nasty when i used to visit my friend’s horse.  i had about 5.4 minutes to be in the barn before my nose & eyes & ears went berserk & i had to go outside.  i have an email out to a farmer on this list to purchase timothy… i wonder if it’ll be the same for me?  been using store bought timothy but thought for the price i’d try buying some straight from the farm.  hmmm… we’ll see.

                    • wendyzski
                      1312 posts Send Private Message

                        I am terribly allergic to Timothy Hay as well – and it started up during a 3-week stint at riding camp when I was a kid.

                        Some things I do to minimize contact:

                        1)  Use a hay feeder – mine is a cardboard box zip-tied onto the outside of the NIC condo.  I load about a week’s worth of hay through the top, then close it.  She pulls the hay out through the NIC grid.  I set it above her littlerbox so the extra mostly falls in there.  I also immediatly wash my hands and arms after this.

                        2)  The hay itself is in a rubbermaid tub with the top a little loose.  I have a HEPA filter in that room.  If I buy more than fits in the tub, it stays up atop the cabinets in it’s original box and I only take it down to refill the tub, which is less than once a month.

                        3)  I have a Roomba which I use a couple of times a week in that room.  I then dump the dirt cup and shak the filter into the toilet so there are not stray dust flating up from the trash can.  I also run the HEPA filter when the Roomba is going.

                        4)  I wash the dirt cup and filters regularly.  The dirt cup washes by hand and the filter can go in the top rack of the dishwasher.

                        I knew this was going to be an issue when I decided I wanted a Rabbit, so I thought long and hard about how to make it happen.

                      • MooBunnay
                        3087 posts Send Private Message

                          What a good idea to dump the Roomba dust in the toilet…I just bought a Roomba a couple days ago and I looooooove having one. Because of all the buns in the house we vacuum once a day, er, well, now ROOMBA vacuums once a day which makes our lives much easier!

                        • Scarlet_Rose
                          4293 posts Send Private Message

                            Say, does the Roomba pick up hay?

                          • wendyzski
                            1312 posts Send Private Message

                              It has some issues with the larger woody stems but they sweep up well enough – this is mostly for the hay-dust and fluff.

                              You do have to empty the dirt-cup often because it can get clogged with bunny-fur and lose suction.  But I’ve had Pepper for just over a year and aside from the occasional hives from refilling the hay and not washing well/fast enough, I’ve had no problems.

                            • Scarlet_Rose
                              4293 posts Send Private Message

                                Cool! I’ve wondered about that.

                              • BunnyLugs
                                117 posts Send Private Message

                                  what’s a roomba! Seriously, don’t get me started on any new gadgets for the rabbits – what with that and the cage cubes I’ll be bankrupt!!

                                • Scarlet_Rose
                                  4293 posts Send Private Message

                                    It’s a robot that cleans your floors unattended.  Oh yes they can be pricey. 

                                    Here is the Roomba web site:

                                    iRobot Corporation

                                    I have to say that the Dirt Dog looks like it will pick up the larger pieces of hay and such since it is made for the garage and outdoor patios.

                                  • wendyzski
                                    1312 posts Send Private Message

                                      You don’t need the fancy-schamcy ones that schedule and stuff – I got my plain old Roomba Red for $65 on E-bay.  It’s been a godsend for me and my allergies.

                                    • Gravehearted
                                      2428 posts Send Private Message

                                        oo i always figured the hay would kill the poor roomba, glad to hear it’s working!!

                                      • BunnyLugs
                                        117 posts Send Private Message

                                          so the roomba will wake me up, clean my house, and scedual my appointments, nice!

                                        • wendyzski
                                          1312 posts Send Private Message

                                            Hee – I got the kind that doesn’t schedule – mostly because I have to remember to pick things up before I start it, or it will burn itself out trying to suck up shoes starting with the laces!


                                          • babybunsmum
                                            3896 posts Send Private Message

                                              wow i need to get one of those!  it could just go continuously round here for hair alone.  between mine, the dog’s and the rabbit’s hair it seems we have a lot of dust bunnies no matter how much i swiffer.  lol.

                                            • ScooterandAnnette
                                              1090 posts Send Private Message

                                                I don’t know about the Dirt Dog, but the "regular" Roombas may or may not pick up large clumps of hay.  They are quite good at picking up fine dirt, droppings, hair, and so forth.  So it is a nice thing to have with pets.

                                                Something to watch for on Roombas is that they aren’t really built to last.  We ran ours about once a day on the living room where the bunnies are, until the battery died.  We haven’t gotten around to replacing the dead battery.  But we’ve had to have the entire unit replaced because it just gave out.  Fortunately they shipped us a new one without charge, but when it’s out of warranty that can get expensive.  Also, it’s impossible to keep the moving parts and the electronics free of the dust it picks up, and it’s not easy to clean those areas, which means that sooner or later the Roomba will fail.

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                                            Forum DIET & CARE hey… who needs hay?