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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A House tempertaure

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    • jpgood
      84 posts Send Private Message

        Hubby and I try to keep the heat way down low at night because we sleep upstairs our bed is really warm and heat rises.  But hubby just said "  I hope shadow doesn’t get too cold"  We keep about 60.  Its really very warm upstairs but not a possiblity of moving shadow upstairs.  Is 60 too cold ? When she was at school she was in a room around 65-68

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          Can you give her something to cozy into? That would be too cold for me :~) but I don’t have fur like buns do. I keep mine temp at 65 depending on how cold it gets. I live in Texas though and heat is a bigger concern for me.

        • Scarlet_Rose
          4293 posts Send Private Message

            The temp in our house is set at 65 at night too. 60 is chilly for me as well, and while the rabbits should be fine you can either cover their cage (like I do with mine-more to let them know it is quiet-sleepy time for humans), or give them a blanket to snuggle into. The thing with rabbits getting cold is that their immune system can become compromised, just like us humans, so defiantely keep them out of drafts too. So, great question!

          • BinkyBunny
            8776 posts Send Private Message

              During really chilly nights when it can get to about 60 in our house at night in certain areas, I put "snugglesafe" heating pads where the bunnies can snuggle up to them if they want some extra warmth.  I use a fuzzy cover for them, otherwise i put a blanket over them. 

              The bunnies do end up lying next to them to take the edge off the chill.

              If you do use those, you have to be sure that the bunny can get away from it if he so decides. 

            • jpgood
              84 posts Send Private Message

                what kind of blankets  hubby and I bought  burb cloths for a baby.  Who knows  ?  I had a really long day today at work and so I am trying to give her some love but I am exhausted.  :o\

              • Kokaneeandkahlua
                12067 posts Send Private Message

                  Binky…What are those snugglesafe heating pads? It’s not cold in our apartment but I thought about providing some kind of heat at night in case they want to snuggle up to it….not during the day I’m paranoid of anything that might pose a fire hazard….where do you buy those pads?

                • osprey
                  2065 posts Send Private Message

                    Snugglesafes are safe for both the animal and your house.  It is a disk you put in the microwave, then place in the animal’s habitat.  The disk retains the heat and stays warm, so your bun can go next to it if she is cold.  More info here.

                  • MooBunnay
                    3087 posts Send Private Message

                      Jpgood – in response to your question of qhat kind of blankets – I know that fleece blankets are a popular type for bunnies because they don’t have lots of little strands that tempt the bunnies to pull them apart and eat them (as opposed to something like terry cloth). Fleece is also nice and snuggly warm I remember hearing a long time ago that buns do best around the 60-80 degrees range (but I cannot remember the source to site it) so I think your bunny will be OK, but it would be nice to give him a fleece blanket or something else just in case.

                    • skunklionshow
                      1257 posts Send Private Message

                        Our living room is attached to a jetted out roomy thingy turned into our kitchen.  The room was used for people to push their beds out on in the summer months for the breezes b/f air conditioning.  The room never got insulated.  I rent and my landlord doesn’t get that this is a problem.  Needless to say it is freezing downstairs.  Our kitties all cuddle up against the radiator during the winter.  Last year we started using a space heater b/t the kitchen and living room entry way.  We also have curtains over the doorways, insulated window shades, and well I still have to put the plastic up on the windows.  Our space heater is a safety ceramic heater, that turns off if it gets knocked into and maintains at a set temperature.  I keep it turned on over nights and sometimes on excessively cold days.  I also set up their bunny bed w/ extra rag rugs and keep it covered w/ a willow tent and the willow tent covered w/ another rag rug.  They seem to be doing just fine w/ that.

                        When I used to foster kittens, I used to use a pet safe heat pad.  It was for kittens and senior animals.  It didn’t get the hot spots like heating pads.  It didn’t get too hot and used radiant style heat.  It was covered w/ a fleecy bed pad.  It was very safe.  I gave it away to someone fostering kittens about a year ago.

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                    Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A House tempertaure