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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bunny Bed

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    • Alibear
      53 posts Send Private Message

        What kind of bed does your bunny sleep in? I mean the actually bed bit not the whole pen area?

        My girl used to sleep in a section full of hay and since her operation all she does is pull out all the hay and paper etc and rips it all up and spreads it accross her hutch. I’m concerned she now won’t be comfortable to sleep and was wondering what most other rabbits actually sleep on – blankets? pillows?


        Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


        Thanks 🙂

      • xnovalentine
        309 posts Send Private Message

          i bought lullabelle a small pet bed (i found it in the ferret section of the pet store). She doesn’t really sleep in it, she bunches it up and lays her head on it like a pillow and lays across the floor of her cage. She also likes to poop in it lol. she likes to sleep on the bottom shelf of the bookcase and on the floor. I was concerned with her comfort too when I first got her but it looks as she prefers the cold hard floor than her actual bed. I’ve tried giving her a blanket but she doesnt seem to care for that. i would suggest maybe giving her a small blanket or some towels and see if she likes it, or let her sleep on the floor if thats what she likes.

        • Floppy
          490 posts Send Private Message

            You know…I cover the pen up partly at night and during the daytime when I am
            at school so that Floppy has a warm/darker place to sleep…so I don’t really get to
            see where he sleeps or what he does, but….in his pen theres a grass mat and a
            small blanket as well as a towel. I put it there incase he is cold and wants to snuggle.
            I am sure where ever or however he sleeps he is comfy!

          • Gravehearted
            2428 posts Send Private Message

              my bunnies don’t sleep on beds. Hareiette often naps in her litterbox though.

            • Spacehopper
              540 posts Send Private Message

                mine choose to totally ignore all the “bed” type things their loving mum (that’s me) has had crafted, instead preferring not to sleep on anything apart from the plain ol’ carpet under the bed (although Bettie has suddenly taken to going behind the curtain and tucking her fluffybutt up in the hem and snuggling up onto the radiator. Although this morning she chose to flop flat out on my pillow for a good ten minutes, leaving me with no option but to lay my head down next to the pillow with my nose up her bumba.

              • babybunsmum
                3896 posts Send Private Message

                  too funny Spacehopper!

                  my girl can’t have any towels or blankets since she’ll try to devour them & i worry she’ll eat a long string & get it tangled up inside her.  since she’s otherwise spoiled & has a room to roam free all day, she usually dozes off under the old dresser right on top of the hardwood floor.  i also see her napping in the dig-box (a cardboard lid with her hay & random paper scraps in it).  but i think she prefers under the dresser since she’s under something.

                • Beka27
                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                    Meadow sleeps on the floor of her cage (plastic, not wire!) or a grass mat… or carpeting… or her litterbox…

                    also, she’s recently started jumping on top of her wood house and flopping on the roof… with her little feet sticking out of the bars on the sides…

                    regardless of where she flops, she looks as if she’s on the most deluxe, plushest, pillowtop mattress ever…

                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                      My two sleep on top of the kitty furniture (although sometimes kahlua sleeps in the litterbox or on one of the pet beds I bought them) I just bought  new kitty castle thing today so I am curious to see where they will sleep now!

                      Img_0042.jpg picture by kokaneeandkuhluha

                    • babybunsmum
                      3896 posts Send Private Message

                        ahhh look at the snuggle-buns!  i wish baby wouldnt try to ingest carpet… looks so cozy.

                      • Scarlet_Rose
                        4293 posts Send Private Message

                          Hmm, my two choose from carpet or granite tile and sleep on whatever strikes their fancy. For the afternoon nap, hands down it’s the mid-level carpeting, for late afternoon it’s the tile and night time, either/or will do.

                          Spacehopper, that is too cute!

                          Kokanee&Kahlua those two are just adorable snuggling up like that!

                        • lucygoosey
                          42 posts Send Private Message

                            When we finished Lucy’s finalized cage she had an upstairs part which she loved to hang out in. So I went out and bought one of those small furry carrier liner things (made for dogs and cats) and placed it there. I liked it because it wasn’t too furry (I was afraid she would pull out the furs and eat them) and it had a loop to attach to the side of the cage. It also is fully machine washable and has anti slip backing so I can put it in her carrier when she goes on vet visits. It wasn’t too expensive $6.99 for a small one and it has dual functions!

                            She absolutely loves it and almost always lounges up there now. My boyfriend thinks I spoil her too much but I jsut want my little princess to be happy!


                          • Deleted User
                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                              My guy either sleeps in the bunny bungalow filled with hay on the top level of his condo, or on the hardwood floor under a dresser. I gave him a towel and used it to play with him. He just looked at me like. yeah and now what? He just seems to prefer hard surfaces, even though he slides. Sofas and cushions are just stepping stones for him.

                            • Spacehopper
                              540 posts Send Private Message

                                Jesus could you imagine a bunny bun’s picnic, everyone on here getting together with their bundles of joy, it would be one long CoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh as we adore all the furrybums.

                                Since Bettie took to unstuffing the floor cushion last week, we got home yesterday to find the entire cushion’s “innards” stripped out and flung (or rather strewn strategically) about under the bed. I cleaned out all their bits later on & decided to leave all the mounds of cushion fluff for a while just to see if there was a purpose for their destruction, a while later I went into the bedroom armed with their “bedtime parsley” and there they were, Brian stretched out in a nesting of fluff with his head resting up on the grass mat with fluff underneath, and Bettie all huddled up toasty behind the Bum in her own little nest, and they did not move one inch! Not even when i got under the bed with the evil intent of disturbing them. They stayed put, Bettie only moved when she realised I was paying Bum’s nose attention and she was missing out, and even then she just thrust her head at my hand and there they both stayed, side by side, having there heads rubbed in a cocoon of fluff. So my bedroom now looks like a Blast Zone, but if that means happy, toasty buns, so be it.

                              • Spacehopper
                                540 posts Send Private Message
                                  Posted By Floppy on 11/25/2007 9:52 PM
                                  in his pen theres a grass mat and a
                                  small blanket as well as a towel. I put it there incase he is cold and wants to snuggle.
                                  I am sure where ever or however he sleeps he is comfy!

                                  How i howl with laughter, as i do that too!!!  "just in case" they get cold they have a towel, a flag, an old top of mine, "just in case" they get a numb bum they have an array of cushions.  Silly fools us pet owners are. lol

                                • dmh426
                                  433 posts Send Private Message

                                    I’ve tried every kind of bed and bedding you can imagine. Sophie just pushes it out of the way and lays on the bottom of her rabbitat. She will chill on the couch with the throw pillows if I let her though!

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                                Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bunny Bed