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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A anyone recognize these features?

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    • xnovalentine
      309 posts Send Private Message

        Lullabelle’s features are starting to become more apparent and I am still curious as to what breed(s) she may be. I don’t have a picture right now (she won’t sit still at the moment) but I’ll try to describe what’s come in the best I can.

        First off, she is white, with darker grey ears, nose, light grey back and front feet, and a light grey tail with red eyes. (maybe you can see what I mean by darker grey from my picture thing under my name or on my profile, her nose is the color i’m talking about). She’s gotten a distinct V that is dark grey across her forehead that looks like a crown almost (we are starting to call her "your majesty", she’s quite the diva bunny). She’s also getting semi spots on her back, which is already a little grey but its like growing in patches (some parts have longer hair than other parts). She’s not a lop or anything. (wow, she is jumping from couch to couch in a cirlces while i’m typing this, and i think she flew like 5 feet! LOL i also just found poop in the cushions *eyeroll*)

        So far that’s all the color changing she’s done since I got her. I was looking at pictures from the day i got her and WOW she grew. I’m sure she’s not done either. Does anyone recognize any of these features to any specific breeds?

      • osprey
        2065 posts Send Private Message

          Hmm, really hard to say without a good picture, but some of her attributes, like the dark nose and ears and the pink eyes are indicative of either a Himilayan breed or a Californian.  Californians are big bunnies, himmies are smaller.  Here is a Californian (Ingrid, one of my favorite Haven bunnies ever):


          Here is a Himmy:

        • Floppy
          490 posts Send Private Message

            wow from that lil pic and the first pic they really look similar!

          • Gravehearted
            2428 posts Send Private Message

              my very first bunny Droste was a himmy, he was such a lovebug.

              From the shape of her nose, ears and sharpness of her nose – I’d say she more favors a Californian.

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                I agree either Californian or Himalayan – both wonderful rabbits!

              • xnovalentine
                309 posts Send Private Message

                  hmm… she sort of looks like the rabbit it the pictures above but she is much lighter in her darker colors (lol does that make sense?) I’m trying to get good shots to post so you can see what i mean — i’ll post them in a bit!

                • xnovalentine
                  309 posts Send Private Message

                    heres the best i could get … she did not want to be photographed today! lol

                    heres what i mean about the crown thing, the picture makes it look lighter but its darker than that really.

                    heres kind of a shot of her face in general

                    she decided to take a nap during photo session

                    she wasn’t up for any body shots, she kept running under the blanket. lol that sounded bad. but its the best i could get right now!

                  • osprey
                    2065 posts Send Private Message

                      Based on those pics, she looks like a Californian mix to me, maybe with some type of large white bunny like a New Zealand.  I love her grey highlights, very cute.


                    • babybunsmum
                      3896 posts Send Private Message

                        what a cute girl!  love her tierra

                      • Gravehearted
                        2428 posts Send Private Message

                          ooo that grey color on her forehead is gorgeous! I agree, it’s her bunny tiara 😉

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                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A anyone recognize these features?