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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A I’m starting bonding now….

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    • Bunny Mommy
      33 posts Send Private Message

        Hi all!  Ok, i finally got up some courage to start my bonding with my 3 bunnies, Flops, Obbie and Elvira.  2 females and 1 male, all neutred or spayed. 

        I have tried bonding before and I need a lot of support you guys!  I tend to get so nervous that I give up so make me stick with it!

        Ok, we tried Flops (F) and Elvira (F) in the tub last night.  Elvira almost immediately submissed, body flat to the floor.  We had to put the pasta strainer in between Flops and her because we knew they would fight.   I was hoping for just humping, but of course, Flops went straight to bite Elvira’s side and they were wrestling around, fur flying, and it was hard to separate them.   We only tried bonding for about 3 minutes.

        My question is, why did Flops still go after her if she was submissing totally?  Should I try a car ride tonight?  I am going to try to bond Elvira and Obbie (the male) later on….

        Please let me know what you think.


      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          How do you pronounce the bun’s name that starts with a o? Is it ob tampon, or obi one kanobi? I ask because this is my husbands name (ovi) and I had never heard a name similar to it. I am trying to bond my two rabbits and it is not easy. I am looking for the same advice.

        • Bunny Mommy
          33 posts Send Private Message

            Its pronounced like obi one kanobi, but he is named after King Oberon in a Midsummer’s Nights Dream.

            Yes, there has been a lot of bonding talk here, but I too sometimes feel like I need personalized advice.  Plus, I think my bunnies are a little more aggressive than most.  Most bunnies just hump a little, mine full on fight. 

            Are both of your rabbits altered?


          • Deleted User
            22064 posts Send Private Message

              My smaller one fights alot with connor. Plus Connor is blind so it is a little different situation. I tried the whole stressing thing. I put them in a box and walked with them around the yard and they wigged. Connor (blind and larger one) layed on top of Coney. When it was over they went there seperate ways. When I first put them together I thought Oh they like each other. But I was wrong, Coney would spring across the run and attack connor. Connor is not agressive, and I feel so bad because he can’t see coney coming at him.
              Coney is fixed but connor is not. We have had a lot of issues with conor since getting him, so we are going to wait a bit to do that.
              Connor was attacked by a wild animal as a baby (he was once a wild rabbit) and a lady found him while walking on a trail. She took him home to die in peace, without animals eating him, and he lived. Come to find out now that attack had broken his spine and fractured his skull resulting in blindness. He can’t run or hop, he just kind of pulls himself along. He really only stays near walls or corners and rarely ventures out into the open. Well when we first got him he would not eat or drink anything, so I had to force feed him (which let me tell you is not fun for him or myself) and inject him with painkillers, and also water stuff. I am still waiting the test results to see what caused this, but he is now eating very good.
              Coney is my baby and we got connor to bond with him, not knowing he had all these problems. I really hope I can do this because I think both buns would benifit greatly. Even the vet said that Connor should be bonded because “he could use a seeing eye rabbit.”

            • Bunny Mommy
              33 posts Send Private Message

                Oh you’re poor bunny story is so sad i want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  poor little guy!  i would think that bonding would be too traumatic if your bunny is blind but maybe he could use a pal.  They say don’t move stuff around a lot if a bunny is blind and make sure to put your chairs in after you sit at the table so they don’t run into them.  POOR LITTLE THING!

                you are brave for taking him in!  i would just cry every day, i am such a wussy.  when obbie and flops fought one day and obbie got a face injury, i was crying like a baby for days and i still baby him a lot.

                connor sounds like a tough little fellow!


              • Deleted User
                22064 posts Send Private Message

                  Well don’t get discouraged. Today my buns made a brake through!! Coney bowed down and asked to be groomed!!! There was only 4 fights and I broke those up and they were good the rest of the time.

                • MooBunnay
                  3087 posts Send Private Message


                    I have a bunny that did the same thing when the other bunny was submissing completely. Raymond bit Grace on the side even though she was just laying there. I think that Raymond did it to try to get Grace’s attention, as well as to show his dominance over her. Even though she was just laying there, she wasn’t GROOMING him, so I think the bite was kind of a demand for grooms/attention.

                    Is there a reason you are trying with the two females together first? The fact that they are both female could have also led to the unprovoked attack. Have you considered trying a male-female bond first? In my experience those are generally easier, and since you are a bit nervous about bonding, I would make it as easy on yourself as possible in the beginning.

                    I would recommend trying Obbie with both females, and see which gets along with him best, and then bond those two first. Is there a reason you aren’t trying to bond him first?

                  • skunklionshow
                    1257 posts Send Private Message

                      I agree w/ moo that you should try and a boy and girl.  My jess was bonded w/ another girl, but then they got into a huge fight and couldn’t be together ever again.  They would even attack through the cage bars.  Jess was injured so bad in the first fight that she needed tons of stitches and was on cage rest for almost 3 weeks.  I had to soak and ointment her wounds twice a day.

                      Several months after that attack I tried them together again.  This time they were both spayed.  Well they still fought like bunnies…I think bunny fights are worse than cats & dogs.  So I thought I could never bond Jessi.

                      Well when I was living my job this summer, I wanted to take Leo the therapy bun w/ me.  I looked here for bunny bonding advice (Check out the link on Fujoe & Patina).  Well I took the initially advice of keeping a blankie in each of their cages.  I would exchange the blankets.  Well by the end of a week, I decided to try the intro.  I let one out while the other was caged.  After 1-2 days of that.  I let them both loose and they clicked.

                      I realize that I was extremely lucky.  I think that my bunny karma really kicked in.  There’s lots of bonding info in the behavior forum.  Several people have become real "experts".  Keep up the work.  I have faith in the bonding process!

                    • Bunny Mommy
                      33 posts Send Private Message

                        obbie and flops are bonded and i was trying to get elvira in the mix.  even if i bond elvira and obbie, flops will still be left out and i would feel bad.  also, i know flops is the most territorial and poops everywhere, so i was hoping if we tried her first, she would stop pooping everywhere!

                        i haven’t really tried the bonding since the other night…


                      • Gravehearted
                        2428 posts Send Private Message

                          I’d recommend working with Obbie and Elvira first too, since boy and girl bonding usually is easier going. You’re not trying to unbond Flops and Obbie, but make the transition to bringing Elvira into the threesome a bit easier. Car rides are often a good starting point since the stress brings them together.

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                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A I’m starting bonding now….