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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Where can you get the cord covers

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    • Deleted User
      22064 posts Send Private Message

        I can’t find any anywhere, and I am getting really tired of plugging and unplugging things so that the buns can’t eat them. And there is a rabbit anti chew spray? Where can I get that, coney has already eaten the leg on our brand new $1800.00 sofa.

      • Gravehearted
        2428 posts Send Private Message

          well ikea sells them and so does radio shack. however, I’m not the biggest fan of them, since clever bunnies can push them aside and still get to the ends of the cords. one thing that can work well to cover cords is PVC tubing, which you can buy at home improvement stores. We use an x-pen in our living room to section off the stereo and entertainment center, which has worked really well for us.

          bitter apple is the spray they make for dogs, but i’ve known plenty of bunnies who like the taste and lick it off, lol. I’ve heard some people have success with spraying perfume on things.

        • Deleted User
          22064 posts Send Private Message

            I never thought of an electronic store. I will try that. Bitter apple, I will have to check the pet store for that. Too much perfume makes me sick to my stomach, so I don’t think that will work.

          • luvmybuns
            65 posts Send Private Message

              I use the cord covers that are found in the hardware or automotive stores.  Of course the name of them has slipped my mind.  They work great.  My one bunny did chew a little when I first put them on, but has not bothered them since.   I asked my husband, it is called "loom" not sure of the spelling.  There is a split on one side and is easy to put on.

            • Scarlet_Rose
              4293 posts Send Private Message

                Other places to try are Home Depot, Lowes or Ace Hardware. There is also some corrugated cord covers too depending on your style. In lieu of bitter apple, warning some bunnies LOVE it! I use lemon oil. I can’t take the perfume either.

              • dmh426
                433 posts Send Private Message

                  I made cord covers out of aquarium tubing. I bought a TON of it at a garage sale, spliced a cut in the center with a razor blade and popped the cords right in. You can find mass quantities of it on eBay too, which is what a friend of mine did. Don’t bother going to PetSmart or PetCo, you’ll pay too much but if you can find some that no one is using, it works great. Just boil it in water if it’s been used and disinfect before wrapping around the cords.

                • Tripppysmurf
                  10 posts Send Private Message

                    If I may put in my two cents wal mart has some very inexpensive wirecovering that is corguated. I had to find it in there plumbing section so that is where you might wanna go look.

                  • MooBunnay
                    3087 posts Send Private Message

                      I use the cord covers that I bought at Ikea, however, ever few feet I used some clear tape to tighten the cover around the cord, so that they couldn’t get into it. I have also used the plastic tubing which I found at Home Depot in the plumbing area, just be careful with your fingers when you cut the side of it open. Also, when it comes to the chair leg, consider wrapping a small amount of cardboard around the legs – depending on the type of sofa it COULD be inconspicuous. I bought my furniture from Bit Lots, haha, so I don’t mind when they take a nip or two but I know it can be frustrating!

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        The feet are not very noticable, which is why i did not notice them when i bought the couch, I hate having a three inch gap under it. But they are a dark stained wood and I don’t think it would be very good for them to eat. This is the first piece that we bought that cost more than a month in mortage payments, so I would like to keep it nice for a while at least. He doesn’t scratch or dig at it, neither does my cat, and I heard it might be from the microfiber. I heard that animals do not like microfiber, but I am not sure.

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                    Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Where can you get the cord covers