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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A I’m adopting from Red Door (Chicago)

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    • LillyBear
      223 posts Send Private Message

        Hey… Sept. 12th is our lucky bunny bonding / adoption day!!!  We are bringing Lilly in for dates!  If Lilly likes a rabbit there.. should we expect to come home with it that day???  Just so we are completely prepared with a carrier big enough.. etc.  Also.. does anyone know when their next spa day is???  Lilly needs a nail trimming.. lol.

      • LillyBear
        223 posts Send Private Message

          OH PS. their first night.. should we keep them in separate pens even if they are getting along???

        • Lucy
          370 posts Send Private Message

            hey! well.. you should talk to Toni- I’m assuming she’s the one who set everything up. It took us a few times before we came home with Patina- we bunny dated them twice to make sure it was okay.

            We got an extra carrier from Red Door.. Toni said that they have a lot from people just dropping them off.

            I do not know when the next spa day is

            I suggest that you keep them separated. It sounds like you’re being a little too optomisitc. I don’t want to bring you down, just know there’s a much higher chance that you’ll have to work on bonding than not. But that first night they should be separated- until you know for sure that they get along.

            good luck!

          • linda
            16 posts Send Private Message

              The next spa day is usually in  October!

            • Gravehearted
              2428 posts Send Private Message

                how exciting for you and Lily! If she finds the right match, it’s likely he or she will come home with you that day. I would create separate housing for the new bunny before you go, since even if they fall madly in love, you’ll want to ensure they’re fully bonded before moving them in together. Bunnies are often much more territorial on their own turf, so you’ll likely need to work with them for anywhere from a week to even a few months. You might take a look through the bonding articles, so you have some idea what to expect.

              • Gravehearted
                2428 posts Send Private Message

                  welcome to binky bunny presctchr! 😀

                  are you from the Chicago area too? looking forward to hearing about you and your bunnies!

                • wendyzski
                  1312 posts Send Private Message

                    Yaaay!  I hope Lilly can find a friend right away.  There are a lot of sweet bunny-boys there.  I still think they talk about my little Hell-Bunny at night after the staff leaves – She was so mean to them all.

                    If you find a match, then you may bring him home that night, and i’ll bet you can borrow a carrier if need be.  Or I have one you could borrow if you need it.  Or you may decide to come back for another round of dates to make sure of you (and her) choice.  Base that on how things go on Wednesday.

                    You’re going to want to keep them separated at first – close enough to smell each other but not together without supervision for a while yet.  If you need some extra NIC cubes short-term, I have some you can borrow.   I’m not going to be able to do any more dates or bonding attempts with Pepper until at least late October, since i’m on the road for gigs nearly every weekend until then.  I live fairly near Red Door – I’m just south of Jarvis and between Sheridan & Ashland.

                    I’m sooooo excited for you!  The volunteers at Red Door are awesome, and Toni is just great!

                  • LillyBear
                    223 posts Send Private Message

                      Wendy thank you!! I am hoping they will let me borrow a carrier if I need it.. I only have one and it was from my dog when she was a baby… no the most ideal.. but it works until we get a new one.. i also have a very small one we used when Lilly was a baby.. but she has grown to a bigger bunny than we even imagined!! and she can get herself out of that carrier.. can you believe that!? I have an extra x-pen also that I can use for the new bunny.. I am hoping he wont be as adventurous as Lilly.. because Lilly can just straight over the walls of it.. we will be ordering a new one as soon as Petco has a sale again.. I got our new x-pen for 55$,.. but with the current coupons the lowest I can get it to is 69$.. not good enough!! Thank you for the offer though!! I appreciate it very much!

                    • wendyzski
                      1312 posts Send Private Message

                        I got my X-pen off of CraigsList for $30 so it’s good to keep an eye out there.  I’m so excited for you and I have my paws crossed that Lily finds somebun to luv.

                      • wendyzski
                        1312 posts Send Private Message

                          You’re over there right now, and I have my paws crossed for you!!!!

                        • LillyBear
                          223 posts Send Private Message

                            Wendy.. we didn’t come home with a bun .. Lilly kind of liked one.. soooo we are going back THIS weds to try it out again.. im guessing we will take him home this time.. he is a blueish silver pointy eared bun.. and probably about 2lbs less than Lilly.. his name is Sal and he is on petfinder if you want to look!

                            Fujoe.. it was so funny, Toni and I were talking about you!! LOL!

                          • Gravehearted
                            2428 posts Send Private Message

                              it can take a few tries to figure out if there’s a match that should come home with you. hope Lilly’s second date with Sal goes well 🙂

                            • wendyzski
                              1312 posts Send Private Message

                                Yeah – it is best to be sure.  Good luck on the 2nd date!  Toni is awesome, isn’t she!

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                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A I’m adopting from Red Door (Chicago)