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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR pee!!!!!!

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    • cookie627
      387 posts Send Private Message

        EEEWWWW!!!!! Lately my bun has been peeing A LOT!!!!! I am going crazy!!!!!!! I have to chage my clothing like 24/7!!!!! i hate it! So i was wondering if there was this stratagy you can use to not let your bun pee all over the place.

      • wendyzski
        1312 posts Send Private Message

          as I recall you have a yet-unspayed young male bunny, correct?

          get used to it.

          He’s growing up, and part of that means he has the urge to mark his territory.  "I’m a big bad bunny and THIS is MINE!!!!!"  Guess he likes you.

          The sooner you get him snipped the better – right now the behavior is probably hormonally driven, but it with time it could become a habit, and habits aren’t broken by neutering. 

          I fostered a young male a while back as a possible companion for Pepper.  He peed like a fuzzy little lawn sprinkler.  My kitchen smelled like a bunny-barn, and Pepper had pee-stains on her for more than a week after he left (they fought badly)

        • x liddo bunny x
          314 posts Send Private Message

            for now try a squirt gun but be careful not to do it too much or else he will want a little space. just make sure u say “BAD” when u do it too like ur mad and he is in trouble. my emo still likes to hump (not as much as before though) so i use a squirt bottle (the empty bottles in the cleaning aisle, just fill with water) so now when i look at him or i put the bottle down near her, she knows…… and she looks at me for a bit then goes off.

          • cookie627
            387 posts Send Private Message

              so ir it is a habit can it be broken by neutering?

            • Trishie
              6 posts Send Private Message
                Posted By cookie627 on 05/10/2007 5:56 PM
                so ir it is a habit can it be broken by neutering?

                yeah, if you get him neutered then alot of the problem if not all will go away, but it takes a few weeks for the results to appear, since when they get neutered they typically react with a huge punch of hormones during the process, and it takes a few weeks for the hormones and your bunny’s mind to clear up, lol.

                Some people have trouble still after neutering but I’ve always noticed it’s because they assume their rabbit will be 100% different right after the snip, which after that happeneds if you bunny is really keen on peeing it’ll be like retraining litter habbits to him, but all worth while.

                Plus it’s overall more healthy for them

              • skunklionshow
                1257 posts Send Private Message

                  Trigger, the mini-rex, is un-neutered and a sprinkler.  Lately, he has sprayed children in his classroom!  This has caused my colleagues to step up our neuter fundrasing.  We located a low cost clinic in NJ and are planning are doing it this summer!  Trigger is white and has some pee stains from spraying himself.  Poor little guy! 

                • x liddo bunny x
                  314 posts Send Private Message

                    awww, hes gunna be known as a Mr. yellow bunny soon. =(

                  • cookie627
                    387 posts Send Private Message

                      but its nice that your colleagues are doing a fundrasing thing.

                    • Hedi
                      969 posts Send Private Message

                        Cooper is now confined to the bunny bedroom only for another week until surgery. He was peeing on everything-new furniture, us…..

                        Which he is fine I think he could care less to have the run of the house since the girl bunnies are in the bunny bedroom with him.

                      • cookie627
                        387 posts Send Private Message

                          yeah i am trying to get Cookie neutered this summer.

                        • x liddo bunny x
                          314 posts Send Private Message

                            oh my, were you able to clean it off ok?

                          • Hedi
                            969 posts Send Private Message

                              I do have a suggestion for cleaning bunny pee from the carpet-my mom-in-law told me and it works wonders!

                              If you go buy the OxyClean in the powder form and mix just a little bit with very hot water then pour it on the area that has the pee, give it a few seconds then soak it up with a towel or napkin-pee comes right out! Even on old stains. We found a spot that the girls had been having pee wars in we never saw and it cleaned that right up too!

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                          Forum BEHAVIOR pee!!!!!!