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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bunny and Nala

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    • Ester Yeh
      126 posts Send Private Message

        two of my bunnies are getting neutered and spayed right now.  I’m really nervous about it.  Can anyone tell me approx. how long it would take them to recover?  I’m worried it would be hard to get them to eat aftewards.  The vet said she would send them home with metacam to ease their pain.   any advice would be greatly appreciated!! thanks!!

      • Ester Yeh
        126 posts Send Private Message

          So far, the two of them are just sitting around. From what I’ve seen they have not yet tried to eat anything. Nala was more alert than Bunny was when I brought them home. Bunny remained groggy for an hr or so. When he tried to get out of the carrier, his two hind legs woudlnt move. So he kept flopping over everytime he tried to move somewhere. I tried to keep him still for awhile but he kept insisting on moving around until he got tired. I think the drugs are starting to wear off though, because his feet are able to move now, but not smoothly. At the moment he’s hiding under the bed. I was sent home with some metacam, and will try to see if I can tempt him out to give it to him.

          How long did it take before your bunnies started to eat after surgery?

        • BinkyBunny
          8776 posts Send Private Message

            Well first congrats on getting your bunnies spayed/neutered.  If you had posted date and I missed it, I am sorry!  I usually like to send well wishes, but I have gotten very behind as the board is just buzzin’ I can’t check all the posts fast enough.

            You may find that your male bunny may actually recover faster,(even though he’s more loopy right now, but generally males want to move around more)  while your female may be feeling under the weather for a few days.   But I’ve always been told that even if they recover very fast, to keep them from jumping and do any real RUNNING much for the first week.

             Your bunnies should be nibbling on something by tomorrow morning.

            I’m really happy your vet gave you metacam.  Pain is one of the main reasons bunnies don’t eat, and I wish more vets offered that  to help in the recovery – especially for the females because the surgery is more invasive.

            Sounds like you have a rabbit savvy vet!

            Here is a link to some post surgery care: You have to scroll to the post surgery part

            Keep us updated.    I’m sending speed recovery and healing vibes their way.

          • x liddo bunny x
            314 posts Send Private Message

              i was advised to watch them throughout the day. they will not want to eat becuase they are stressed. when they are stressed they wont eat. i got my 2 females spayed about 2-3 weeks ago. by about the end of the day they will munch on hay (something they are familiar with) try to offerthem food (plenty of veggies) my vet told me to make sure i offer them papaya because they will shead alot so they need something to help them digest their food. if they dont want dont force just yet but offer it, for example put it in a dish in front of where they choose to sit. girls will really mellow out. they will pick a spot and sit there for what seems like forever. but if they dont eat by tomorrow morning make sure u consult ur vet. they will probably teach u how to seringe feed them. dont wait till 24 hrs draws too near. 24 is too long for not food. make sure they drink lots of water too. try a tiny bit of apple juice in the water as well. may encourage them. oh, make sure they dont move too much. would be best to keep them in a small area of the room too much freedom will increase the chances that the stiches might come out. i was not given any meds so my bunnies stayed idol for a long while. except for when they needed to poo. make sure everything is accessable near by. they will either not wanna move much or they will want to move too much so keep them from moving too much and make sure they can eat without having to go to far to get the food. not sure if i am making any sense but that was what i did for my buns. i took them out of their cage once and a while but that was 2 days after the surgery because i was too scared something might happen.but make sure they eat and watch them from time to time to see if they are eating anything. remember, fresh veggies are the way to go and plenty of them.


              dont forget the fruits either. =)


              my vet said that they will not feel like eating pellets till about a few days after the suergery but she said not to worry too much about [pellets but as long as they eat veggies they should be fine but offer pellets to them as well becuase pellets wouldnt hurt. =) hopefully that helps. it was recently that i was in ur situation. boy was i scared and panicky. =P

            • Gravehearted
              2428 posts Send Private Message

                how are Nala and Bunny doing? I hope they’re both eating and making a good recovery.

              • Millivanilli
                8 posts Send Private Message

                  Hope they are both doing well and healing nicely. I have 3 months to go before I have to go through this and I can tell you I am not looking forward to it. You sound like you are coping admirably. Well done all of you.

                • Ester Yeh
                  126 posts Send Private Message

                    the two of them healed up nicely. Bunny was back to his usual carpet digging self by the next day and Nala took a little bit longer to recover. But both are great now. They didnt seem to want to take the metacam anymore by the 4th and last day I was suppose to give it to them. The vet who fixed them use to do rabbits for the SPCA. However we both work for an animal clinic that only services dogs and cats. She had agreed to do my rabbits since she use to fix them at the SPCA. I really lucked out with her doing that for me. I had Bunny and Nala done for free and was given the metacam free. As an employee i get two free spays/neuters a year and a 40% disc for anymore. That really helped me out considering how much they would normally cost at a another clinic!!

                  • Gravehearted
                    2428 posts Send Private Message

                      glad they’re both recovering well.

                      wow – what a lucky break that she did them for no charge. not all vets are willing to send people home with metacam, but it really can help a bunny feel better. it might be that will a lil time for Bunny’s hormones to chill that he’ll cut down on his carpet digging ways.

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                  Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bunny and Nala