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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Single lionhead manes?

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    • poopy
      684 posts Send Private Message

        Even though its a long long way off to getting a mate for Medusa I can’t help thinking about it. I think lionheads are soooo cute and know I would be allergic to one w/ a back mane for sure. But I was wondering about the ones with a single mane….is the rest of their body fur like that of a short hair rabbit or is soft & fine like angoras?

      • osprey
        2065 posts Send Private Message

          My understanding is that the Lionheads are a cross between an angora and a short haired dwarf.  They keep the small body shape of the dwarf, but have the long hair in the front part of the body (the "mane&quot.  Given that there are angora genes in the mix and your history, I’d be careful about bringing one into your home without testing your allergies first.  They do have long hair in the front, and require the usual grooming for long haired breeds.

        • poopy
          684 posts Send Private Message

            ya i doubt it would ever work….i can dream though

          • cookie627
            387 posts Send Private Message

              i agree i think lionheads are cute. They are very cute when they are babies.

            • BinkyBunny
              8776 posts Send Private Message

                Well, maybe a rex could still be in your future.  Rexes have wonderful dispositions, and their fur soooooooo soft.  

              • skunklionshow
                1257 posts Send Private Message

                  Our pet therapy program has a Lionhead, Leo.  I LOVE him!  He’s such a sweetie (gives kissies/lickies).  I enjoy combing his main forward so he looks like a little punk rock bunny.  Leo has only a long haired mane, the rest of him is short hair.  He does not aggrevate any known allergic kids…atleast anymore than any of the other buns.  He is about the size of our adolescent english spotted.  He is about 3 yrs old.  I definately agree that lionheads are waaaaay cool!

                  Unfortunately, rex buns are often used for fur coats b/c they are so soft.  We have a mini-rex named Trigger in our k-2 classrom.  Our students were very disgusted to learn this about Trigger’s family/breed.

                • hooty22
                  606 posts Send Private Message

                    Myfluffy lionhead Felony is the greatest….Except he’s attempting to eat my Contract Law book as we speak. I don’t have any problems with shedding, and he’s a double mane. Sometimes longer haired animals irritate my allergies, but I haven’t had any issues with him. I comb him a lot, but only because he likes, not because he actually needs it. His grooming requirements are minimal. He has super long hair all around his head on his his haunches. I would try it out by maybe hanging around one for a little bit. They are gorgeous and a great size. Either way, hope you find a new baby!!

                  • lilmizzsnickerz
                    318 posts Send Private Message

                      i cant help u here but i agree they are so cute

                    • Spacehopper
                      540 posts Send Private Message

                        Bumstar is shedding his winter coat (I have never seen a winter coat SO thick and fluffy!).  Last year he had a habit of "ducking" (puffing his chest out and wiggling down to a comfy duck-like ball) in one spot in the bedroom, meaning i was forever hoovering up a patch of fur to fill a carrierbag!  Where he has lost his fur this time around he’s decided to go for a new style and has left a long wisping fluffy bit on each side of his behind.  My eyes would stream during furloss as it just got everywhere!!!!!  And until i discovered the only way to groom him (he hates being brushed) was to vigorously rub him – I’m sure he thinks he’s a dog! – he was keeping all his unwanted fur on him come rain or shine!

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                    Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Single lionhead manes?