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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A HELP!!! dont know what to do!!!

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    • x liddo bunny x
      314 posts Send Private Message

        This morning at about 5 am my parents woke me up to tell me Mochi and Emo were fighting. when i went to look at them, i found a huge hunk of fur (looked like it was from Mochi only) on the floor and my Mochi in a garded position with her legs spread out like she is ready to bold out of there and breathing heavily. as for Emo she was just chilling by the door. they have never really fought before but it scared the living day lights out of me. i thought it may be the News paper i set down for them to lay on or the towel that i also set down for them to lay on. my parents think that it may have happened because they were fighting over the news paper or the towel. they are both un spaded and i am wondering if fixing them will be best to stop this madness. i didnt think that they would fight because they were both of the same litter but i thought wrong. my poor mochi was so frightened when i picked her hup to craddle she was shaking in fear. (she didnt even put of a fight when i came to pick her up. what do i do? do i separate them? spade them right away? i dont know. HELP!!!!!!!!!!

      • MooBunnay
        3087 posts Send Private Message

          Hi!  Are they male and female? If so, I would definitely recommend fixing them if they are old enough and separate them for the time being.  Even if they are not of the opposite sex, I would separate them if they are fighting, just because it might be a hormonal thing and fixing them would help fix the problem.  Are you sure of both of their sexes?  To me, it sounds like Mochi may have been mounting Emo, esp. if Mochi was fine, and Emo was on the floor like you said she was, I’ve seen lots of bondings where the buns are in the same kind of position after the agressor tries to mount the less dominant one.  I know they are still young, but I’m not sure how old they have to be to get pregnant (and from what I’ve heard in the bun world, they aren’t as shocked by incest as we are, though I don’t have any authority/expertise on that) but I have definitely heard that when litters start to get older, the boys and girls have to be separated. Just ot be on the safe side, if you can, I would take them both to the vet to see if they are old enough to get fixed (also, I have heard froma few different people that the younger the buns are when they take them to get fixed, the faster they bounce back after the surgery)

        • x liddo bunny x
          314 posts Send Private Message

            you may be right. however, it was mochi that was scared to death and emo was uneffected. and i found out where the fur went missing. it was on her butt. well the near it. rear leg. poor girl. yea, i have an appointment for them to go to the vet. does anyone know a cheap vet i can take them to get spaded/neutered in Orange County? i tried northwood hospital in Irvine, CA but they told me about 231.00 or so for each. i dont know about you but that is alot. but i guess if that is the cheapest then that i think is where ill have to go.

          • cookie627
            387 posts Send Private Message

              oh how sad. I am also working on getting my baby Cookie fixed. And i also think $231 is a lot of money.

            • MooBunnay
              3087 posts Send Private Message

                I am not sure about the OC, but I know that there are inexpensive places in LA, do you want to nkow some of those?  I know that Bay Cities Pet Hospital in Torrance (where I take my buns)is cheaper than that, I think around $80 per bun, and also, there is a place in Lomita even cheaper ($40 or so I think).

                Let me know if you need the contact info.


              • Gravehearted
                2428 posts Send Private Message

                  it’s very scary when bunnies fight! I can imagine how freaked out you must have been. When you break up a bunny brawl, it’s very important to look them both over carefully and run your hands all along their body feeling for bites or injuries. Since buns have fur, it can be hard to see bites.

                  Moobunnay shared a lot of excellent advice and I’d agree with everything she recommended.

                  I would encourage you to separate them for now. If it was just them getting a little humpy, I’d say leave them together. But it sounds like there was some serious aggression and that Mochi was really freaked out.

                  how old are your girls now? I am guessing they’re just started to reach sexual maturity, which can be as early as 3 months. Un-spayed / un-neutered buns just are huge balls of hormones and females often get territorial and can be aggressive.
                  I would agree that it likely would be best to spay them, as long as they’re old enough, it will greatly calm them down very likely. I would recommend spaying them sooner than later, since separating them for a few weeks means they will have to do some re-bonding to move back in together.

                  sending lots of good wishes your way

                • x liddo bunny x
                  314 posts Send Private Message

                    thank you everyone for your reply but as an update on 04-16-2007 at 7:00 pm mochi is not bleeding but is missing a little patch of fur on her butt/hind leg (poor thing) but she is still friendly as ever (i gave her a little extra attention so she doesnt get too afraid where she wont let anyone touch her, seems like it did good). it seems like they both have made up but emo would not groom mochi. mochi is super friendly and the smartest little think ive seen so she is trying to i guess make emo like her by grooming her. they are both getting along better so i am not going to separate them however, there is a box waiting for one of them if anything happens.

                    thanks to Melinda (aka poopy) on this forum i have an appointment with the vet tomorrow at 11 for both my buns so they will be officially sexed. ill tell everyone how it goes.

                    as for fixing my buns, i had asked the place that i am going to have see my buns tomorrow and that was going to charge me $233.00 (i made a typo) however, i asked them if they knew of another place that would do it for cheaper and they refered me to a place that said did but usually did it for dogs (so they think). so i called them. they were in fountain valley (closer than irvine) and i asked them if they had ever done bunnies. they told me “yea, we have someone here who has been doing it for 30 years.” oh my god releaved, only partially though. i asked how much. they said for female buns they charge $80 and for male buns they charge $50. is that great or what?!?!? but there is a catch….. they have a long waiting list. so i had to make my appointment now. i have two different appointments for each. one on May 25, 2007 and another on June 1st, 2007. kinda a long time huh? oh well. they are cheap and i dont know of anyone that can beat it that is near by. if you guys know of anywhere else please let me know. the sooner i can get them done the better.

                    moobunnay, i do you think u can give me their phone #s? if it will cost $40 then i think i may want to go there. hoepfully there isnt a huge waiting list.

                  • x liddo bunny x
                    314 posts Send Private Message

                      oh, i forgot to add. binkybunny, my buns are 11 weeks old now. ^ ^ so yea, they are at their agression stage.

                      and i checked them both. no testies on either.

                    • x liddo bunny x
                      314 posts Send Private Message

                        will i have to rebond after separating them for so long? their official appointment is next tue April 24th. and ofcourse they still should be separated for a little longer after the operation as well.

                      • poopy
                        684 posts Send Private Message

                          yes, because they could be totally different bunnies (personality wise) after the operation, and it sounds like they were having aggression issues before. chances are they’ll be fine though since they were littermates.

                        • BinkyBunny
                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                            I also agree with poopy that you will need to start over. My own experience though with whether they have been littermates or not makes no diffference. Brothers and sisters that grew up together can be just as aggressive as others that didn’t. It is a matter of whether both are stubborn to be dominant (if they both care about the hierarchy rules of rabbits) Some rabbits do, some rabbits don’t.

                          • skunklionshow
                            1257 posts Send Private Message

                              As most on Binky know, I have experienced the awful end of bunny attacks.  My Jessica was attacked by her cage mate, Oreo.  She ended up w/ a dozen puncture words.  2 of the punctures were in her abdomen, almost knicking the abdominal cavity.  After much worrying, several hundred dollars, and many weeks of soakings, ointmenting, and meds…Jessica is doing fine!

                              Our 2 male bunnies fight if they are in the same room.  I explained to our students that we don’t want to see that (among the obvious reasons)…I’m the one that gets stuck w/ the vet bill.  If anything, I’m over cautious b/c I don’t want to deal w/ that upset and the potential for serious injury.

                              Good Luck!

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                          Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A HELP!!! dont know what to do!!!