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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A what is the cutest thing ur bun has ever done?

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    • x liddo bunny x
      314 posts Send Private Message

        What is the cutest thing your bun has ever done?

        i know, hard to pick huh? because everything they do is uber cute huh? =P

        something cute:

        My bun Mochi groomed my boyfriend’s head. =P wish i took a pic. ^ ^

      • Faye Perry
        114 posts Send Private Message

          Mable does this to my husband.. its so sweet, i love to see her  paws whan she’s leaning on his head x

          Booboo flops and dozes off anywhere and her eyes roll when she’s really gone, her lips twitch when she’s dreaming too – very cute x

        • K F
          33 posts Send Private Message

            Toooo cute.  Our Hercules has done some cute things.  Loves to get up around the face or neck, and give hugs.  Unfortunately, he’s not real well right now…  But here’s what he does when he’s up and around…  By the way, this is with my husband  lol



          • x liddo bunny x
            314 posts Send Private Message

              awwww is hercules ok? sick bun?

            • x liddo bunny x
              314 posts Send Private Message

                hope he feels better soon.

              • Faye Perry
                114 posts Send Private Message

                  Ah Babygurl Hercules looks adorable! 

                  Hercules sounds like a tough bunny from what you’ve said in previous posts, he has lots of love and humans that care xx

                  sending healing vibes his way x

                • dmh426
                  433 posts Send Private Message

                    I had surgery last year. I have a stuffed animal bunny from when I was little (I’m 27 now and still have it!). I was home recuperating in my bed, groggy from all the pain meds, and said to my mom, who was in town to take of care of me, “I want my buuuuuuunny!”. She immediately brought over the very ragged and well loved Flopsy. I said “noooooo. I want Sopher”. Sophie, as if she heard her name, jumped up the pile of clothes and pillows on the side of my bed and snuggled down right next to me. She laid her head on my arm and licked me. Just to kinda let me know she was there. My mom said it was the sweetest thing she’d ever seen. When I woke up about two hours later, she was still laying right there, drooling on my arm.

                  • x liddo bunny x
                    314 posts Send Private Message

                      oh my god!!! that is the sweetest and cutest thing ive ever heard. its like they know what ur feeling before u can say it. i truely agree that having a pet in your life is the best thing you can ever do. whether it be a bunny, dog, cat, hamster, or lizard. if you give your pet lots of love, they will love you back as much as you love them.

                    • Arsenic army
                      26 posts Send Private Message

                        My bunny Shadow aka Doom, i can watch tv and take him and pretty much use him as a pillow or to hang onto and i can fall asleep for 2 or 3 hours and wake up and he is still there with me sleeping. Or when i hang on to him he always wants his front feet held and lets his back feet just sit there and dangle.

                      • x liddo bunny x
                        314 posts Send Private Message

                          that is so cute. well that means your bun does not have the attention span of a gold fish. too bad mine are not like that. =P

                        • FuegaNetsah
                          44 posts Send Private Message

                            My buns are caged up during the night. Somehow Oren got out and around 3am i wake up feeling whiskers on my face. I wake up and he is just sitting beside me with a very innocent “hey what are you doing” look on his face.

                          • FuegaNetsah
                            44 posts Send Private Message

                              By the By, I love the Hercules picture.

                            • x liddo bunny x
                              314 posts Send Private Message

                                hahaha bet he was thinking “you cant see me, muahahahaha!!!”

                              • x liddo bunny x
                                314 posts Send Private Message

                                  either that or “HEY, give me attention now!!!”

                                • poopy
                                  684 posts Send Private Message

                                    Carolyn, do you already have a vet for your buns? I thought I’d ask since it looks like you recently got them. If you like, I have a referral coupon for free physical exams at Northwood Animal Hospital in Irvine off the 5. They have 2 rabbit vets both very savvy and recommended by the Bunny Bunch.

                                  • x liddo bunny x
                                    314 posts Send Private Message

                                      oh, if you can that would be great. there are not many vets around my area let alone bunny vets so ill probably go to irvine like you recomended. i luv my bunnies. ^ ^

                                    • poopy
                                      684 posts Send Private Message

                                        I sent you a PM/email. Let me know if you don’t get it, because other users haven’t gotten mine for some reason.

                                      • x liddo bunny x
                                        314 posts Send Private Message

                                          interesting…… thanks much poopy =)

                                        • Theresa Moan
                                          249 posts Send Private Message

                                            We trained Hugo to take a few steps on his hind legs. So funny!

                                          • x liddo bunny x
                                            314 posts Send Private Message

                                              hahaha can you get a video of that? i tried to get my bun to do that on her own but she just falls back on her bottom and does a few flips and its back up to do it again. =P silly bun. i guess she is trying to walk backwards instead of forwards. =P

                                            • Theresa Moan
                                              249 posts Send Private Message

                                                We took a video of it last night. I’ll try to upload it when I get home from work tonight!

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                                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A what is the cutest thing ur bun has ever done?