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› Forum › HOUSE RABBIT Q & A › Do you guys have bunny beds?
I was thinking of getting one for mine like this but I’m not sure if mine will use it. I’m also not sure if it even makes a big difference. They don’t seem to mind their rugs on the floor. Also, if anyone has these dog type beds, are they easy to stick in the washer?
ooh i have two of them for my one bunny… she absolutely LOVES them!
Cassy has one too. I keep it in her cage so that she doesnt have to sit on the floor of the cage =)
I bought one a few weeks ago at pet food express. I bought the smallest one, it was reasonably priced around $12. Noble had a carpet square in his pen to sleep on, but when I bought this bed home, he hopped right into it. He loves it! It washes up well in the washing machine. I wash it with my towels. I shake it out every couple of days to get the bunny hair out of it.
I see Lilly sitting on one of her beds in the photo.
I used to have one, but for some they like to use it as a litterbox.
Is Cassy back home with you now, niteygress? Hopefully, her sneezing stopped and she is back at home, feeling just fine.
I was just going to ask the same thing Jacki just did. How is Cassy doing? What’s the update?
I was thinking of getting one but I am not sure Sophie would be bothered with it.
All of our therapy bunnies have a little bed in their cages. When they do their hopping around outside of their cages, we put the beds outside the cage. They are very basic beds…boxes (either wood or plastic) and filled w/ misc. bedding (the fluff bedding stuff, shredded paper, blankies or towels). Everyone loves their beds….except our lionhead. The lionhead prefers to stretch out on the shelves in his cage.
haha yes in the pic lilly is sitting on her favorite bed!
Cassy is great! She came home after her antibiotic treatment. She responded well and is completely happy. She’s still the same bunny she used to be, in spite of being away from home for a while. She was well taken care of, though she’s having an abnormally good time running around since I dont think she got out of her cage for the full 4+ hours that I let her run around, but she had a much larger cage at the pet store, which helped. I had to disinfect my whole room, her cage and toys, but now everything seems well. She was checked out by the vet and everything.
I visited her a lot at the pet store, and it’s amazing how much they grow! She was four months old when I got her, now she’s 5 months and maybe 1/2 a pound larger (i unfortunately dont have a scale).
Does anyone know what age bunnys stop growing?
On a second note, I hung the willow bark wreath in her cage next to her litter box. She LOVES sitting up on her back legs and pulling at it! I give willow wreath’s an A++ for bunny toys! I also let her have the contents of her BinkyBunny January Goodie bag as a welcome home treat in her litter box rather than her normal hay, she seemed to really enjoy the treats =)
Never tried a bunny bed. I do sew and put the fabric scrapes in a big pile on the floor. Oren likes to dig through them and makes a nest of sorts.
hm sounds like a good idea, i think i will get one.
nitety you sound like a such a caring mom! question- how big is her cage? perhaps an x-pen might provide even more space.
Her cage is big enough for her to stand up in, have a bed and litter box, and room to flop on the floor too =) I have a pen my bf and I made to custom attach to her cage to make a huge pen in the middle of my room. (heehee dating an engineer is useful for making fun bunny things)
I dont have enough space to leave it up all the time. So she gets out for around 4+ hours a day (normally more like 6-10. I’m slowly making the space bigger (litter training is almost perfect but not 100%…) The pen can be used to block off my desk/under the bed/corner she shouldnt go in when She will eventually be able to run around most of the room. Having an X pen all the time I dont really have the space for since I live in one room =( When I get my own place (in about a year an a half) I want to make her a cube condo….
You can kinda see a lounging bunny in the white box ;P She has a ton of toys and things in the pet co box =)
oh having the pen open is perfect size! looks like a great setup!
I’m glad to hear Cassy recovered and is doing well. She sure is a cute little bunny.
i have 3 for Bunny, one long thin one on the base of his cage, that one he ripps up and digs at, then there is one on level 2 of his cage, that one he lays in and wont rip up, then he has one on the couch, it is a wicker basket with a pillow in it and that one he likes too, he sits in it and chews on the wicker…..
That’s a great set-up! I have something similar, but it’s 3x’s the size. My three buns can rest, play and eat and I don’t have to worry about them getting into anything dangerous. Also, I can sit in there and play with them.
I’m so jealous that all your bunnies can be cute and sleep on their beds…I bought Juli a snoozy and the first thing she did was tip it over and start on ripping the seams out of the bottom…entertaining, but I had to take it away! She was so intent on pulling the thing apart that it tipped completely over on top of her and she did not even notice!
I agree w/ everyone else as well..Cassy has a niiice set -up!!
Mr Bum doesn’t have his own bed as he seems to favour ours. He has his huge cage on the floor in the corner of the bedroom (the only time he gets shut in there is when we are work) but his bed is made under our bed, and tends to stretch out in the handles of my "unused" abdo trim thing, so then he can rest his head on the foamy handles. And he doesn’t take too kindly to having his (or rather my) free with Comfort fabric conditioner Pashmina shawly thing, an unworn jumper, a Fosters beer flag (pinched from the pub a while back 😉 , and my Bratz cushion with flappy legs moved. There’s a leather beanbag next to the bed so he can jump and and down as he likes coming for a cuddle in the night.
He woke me up the night before last by jumping on the bed and nudging my hand for a head rub, after what seemed ages i put my arms up to go to sleep, so he nudges my arm, nudges all up my arm, sniffs out my elbow and chomp!, so i have to carry on rubbing his cheeks and ears, sleepy, i put my arms back up, arm gets nudged out the way, elbow in position and CHOMP!!.again.little s*d! (and will not go to the toilet ANYWHERE but his poopy box, not even his cage, so luckily no pooey pillows for us to roll over
spacehopper your bunny is soooo cute! i love his mane! i have had similar experiences w/ medusa in the morning…you have to be careful about getting tired because they sure love to nip in the morning if they don’t get their cuddles
That’s a great set-up too! I will be FINALLY updating the gallery this weekend and I would love to add that to habitat section. Would you mind? I like to show people options so that they aren’t stuck in the mindset of "cage only"
I’m glad to hear her litterbox habits are improving. Most bunnies will leave a few stragglers, but when you say she’s not 100% what do you mean exactly?
Sure you can use my pictures =) The set up is great because I can give her maximum space yet I can take back my space when I need it, and her cage is "her space" she can do pretty much what her wants with.
She has a few stragglers and as she is getting to be almost 6 months old (March she will be 6 months) she has started marking her cage a bit (I’ve started lining the cage with newspaper so it’s easy to clean up) and she’s marked my cheap ikea carpet twice when I’m not looking. I think that will stop when she gets spay… She also keeps circling me and grunting. Someone said they know the difference between male and female people. If that is so, Cassy is not very good at it =) I sexed her again myself to be sure and I’m pretty sure she is a girl bunny…
Here are a few more photos if you want. The boxes/carrier on top have all her supplies and keep her from jumping on top of the cage and out of the pen (she figured that one out fast…) I didnt have a stuffed bunny so Cassy’s stuffed friend is a polar bear. I dont think she knows that though and grooms him and treats him like a rabbit that was unfortunate enough to lose his ears. Also you can see what remains of a well loved/not yet finished with willow ring over her litter box. Since she’s in the cage when I’m not home, I make sure she has tons of toys and things in her cage =)
Thank goodness for IKEA!! The only reason I am somewhat organized is due to that store.
Regarding her litter habits. The fact that she only leaves stragglers even though she’s not spayed and she’s still in the "messy" age, is amazing. Does she only leave stragglers or does she spot urine on the rug too? IF she does you can protect your hardwood floors from burning by buying sheet plastic from a hardware store, or get a tarp and put underneath or in areas that she might urinate. She may get worse before she gets better as her hormones are going into overdrive.
she does spot a little, she does in her cage maybe once or twice a day and in her life she’s done it on my cheap rug twice. She’s really a prissy diva bunny sometimes, so litter training her wasnt too hard. I just put it in her cage with hay in the spot she went in her cage at the store. Though i worry it’s more the corner of the cage she is trained to rather than the box…
When Bailey was insistant about spotting, I bought plastic placemats and put them in the areas she liked to spot. Try adding enticing her to use her box more by putting some of her healthy favorites in there. NIbbles of Parsley, mint, rosemary – whatever.
I also think, as soon as you see the urine spot, clean it with white vinegar and water mix 50/50. Some other cleaners can actually encourage them to mark over it. (I know you may already do this, but just in case)
Now on the flip side of that, sometimes keeping it very clean will entice her to mark more as she feels she isn’t marking enough. If that is the case, then you may want to leave it there (in her cage, not on your own rugs of course) for a couple of days, so that she feels she’s made her scent permanent.
For my bunnies, cleaning it up right away works to help stop remarking. Rucy can get into a habit of marking in the corner right by the entrance, but if I am on it and clean it up as soon as I see it, then within a couple of days, she usually stops. She still may mark there once or twice a month if Bailey gives her the stink eye!
I have a C&C cage thats 8 feet by 4 for my bunnys to live in. Since I have 3 (still) unbonded dutch rabbits i alternate the cage days. 3 days per rabbit then full cage cleaning day then switch the rabbits and cages. Since I`m only a teen I still live with my parents and room for rabbits is very limited *sigh* they arent aloud free run of the house but they do get floor time . By the way , great bed
› Forum › HOUSE RABBIT Q & A › Do you guys have bunny beds?