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You may have received a 2-factor authentication (2FA) email from us on 4/21/2020. That was from us, but was premature as the login was not working at that time. 

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

What are we about?  Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • BinkyBunny
      8776 posts Send Private Message

        MooBunnay and Osprey with their involvement in rescue made me think about offering a new forum to support rescue efforts  Great place to see cute pictures and keep updated on our favorite fuzzy faces.

        Check it out! Have fun!

      • MooBunnay
        3087 posts Send Private Message

          Hi! I was wondering if anyone had any fail-safe bonding tips??  I have TWO potential Forever homes for 2 of my 26 bunny girls, and both homes depend on the girls bonding with the potential husbun…any tricks I can use right off the bat to make the bonding successful?


        • osprey
          2065 posts Send Private Message

            I am in the process of bonding a trio right now MooBunnay, I might have some ideas.  I am far from an expert at this, but I can share with you what I’ve seen and done for my guys.

            You are bringing two girls to a established boys?  This is (in theory) the easiest one to do.  The males should be more receptive to a girl "intruder".  So far so good.

            Can you arrange a place where the pairs can meet, outside of the boys’ homes?  Even a bathroom in a friend’s house would work, just someplace that does not smell like any of the buns.  Let the pairs out together in a scary new place, and make sure no bunny hates any other bunny and picks a fight.  Some people swear by a long bumpy car ride in the same carrier.  At our adoption shows we use a shopping cart with a litterbox in it, and ride the buns around the store.  We look for fighting, boxing and biting (bad), indifference to mild interest like sniffing (good) or serious interest (mounting, grooming, snuggling, very good).  Mounting is good if the bun on the bottom (not always the girl) tolerates it, bad if that bun hates it and fights back.

            If the buns are agreeable, they need to be housed within sight and smell of each other for a while, but separately.  After that, it just requires time and patience to keep the buns together in neutral territory in the boy’s house and see how it goes.  I was lucky, DJ and Curly Sue bonded in a week.  Making the trio has been a bit harder.

            Good Luck, hopefully 2 down 24 to go!

          • MooBunnay
            3087 posts Send Private Message

              Hahaha the thought of two little bunnies riding around in a shopping cart is a very cute image!! I think we will attempt the "scary" car ride to start off, this is the technique I used to bond my two buns and the bonding was actually complete in about 2 hrs. (love at first site!).  Thanks for the recommendations! (I’m no pro either…hopefully the girls will like the boys).


              While working with the Bunny Bunch I was made aware of two FANTASTIC ways to give money for bunnys without spending a dime of your own!

              1. – The charity I search for is Bunny Bunch, you can look up any one that you want on the goodsearch page as well if you have other charities you like.

              2. If you shop at Ralphs:

              Go to:


               Click on Community Contributions

              Click on Participation Sign Up

              Enter this NPO number: 83580

              You can support the Bunny Bunch this way, or any organization you like…

            • BinkyBunny
              8776 posts Send Private Message

                Oh, boy.  Fail-Safe?  I don’t think that actually exists in the bunny bonding arena.  But there are definite ways to set it up that are geared for success.  But even then, you may have to change things around a bit to fit the situation.

                Some bunnies get along right away, most need some time, while others will show full blown aggression even in the car.  I’ve experienced them all.

                On average, it takes about 3 weeks for full bonding to happen. But I’ve also had bunnies experience love at first sight, while others took months and months!

                Check out the bonding section on this site for step by steps tips.



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            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A NEW FORUM GROUP! Rescue Bunnies