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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A human bunny grooming

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    • Sarah Jones
      99 posts Send Private Message

        i don’t know what came over me but yesterday night dougal was sitting there and i got down on my stomach and started licking his head! how disgusting am i! and he immediately plopped into grooming mode and then i just kissed him everywhere. i know it was disgusting but it was so fun. and that one little bit has helped complete the bonding i think. this morning he almost fell down the toilet when i was on it because he wanted to see me. hee. yay!

        unyay is the fact i now have to buy a new phone charger. missed that one lying out… *grumble*

      • Anita Stark
        194 posts Send Private Message

          I don’t think it’s disgusting. Though I have stopped myself just shy of actually licking Sable (he’s still molting) he has been generously kissed all over his face and ears. I think he does see it as a bonding ritual and it’s probably the reason he comes to me instead of dh when given the choice. Dh kisses him too but not the same.

          Congrats on the bonding!

        • Lucy
          370 posts Send Private Message

            i have to buy a new phone charger today to…sigh. fujoe somehow got into the bedroom..the ony thing he chewed on.

          • BinkyBunny
            8776 posts Send Private Message

              You guys really crack the hell out of me!!  I can’t stop laughing.That is soooo funny. Not disgusting at all- rabbits are very clean.   I just think that is absolutely adorably goofy.  But I have to also admit, like Anistark, I have stopped short of that too. Guess, I’m afraid of hairballs.  

              Anyhoo, whatever works right? And it looks like Dougal and you are bonding so well!   It takes time for some bunnies to fully trust, and it seems you have won him over!  Congrats!!

              A BINKY CELEBRATION!   I’ll bring the carrots!

            • Theresa Moan
              249 posts Send Private Message

                What’s up with the cell phone chargers??? I’ve gone through about 3, and I’ve been careful to not leave them dangling on the last two…!

              • BinkyBunny
                8776 posts Send Private Message

                  I think it’s the one thing that we all just use alot and leave hanging.  And when our bunnies see it they just see it as a nasty ‘ol vine that could get in their way.    Or they just think…."Ah, HA!  I can get her again!"


                • Gina Won
                  108 posts Send Private Message

                    Haha I tried giving Seamus a little teeny tiny lick on the forehead once but I think I got hair on my tongue and got grossed out (he’s perpetually molting)! I do give him copious kisses on his face and ears though =) Now Floppy, I will kiss her head once in a while but only if it smells really clean that day (as she LOVES digging for hay in her litter box… a little bit of urine and poots never stops her)!

                  • Faye Perry
                    114 posts Send Private Message

                      ha ha I don’t lick Mable and Booboo’s heads as such, but i am always smothering their heads and rubbing noses with them. Mable loves this, and this is how she started giving us kisses, when we rubbed noses, if i pulled away she would stay there for ages after waiting for me to carry on with her head pushed out.. if i just put my face really close but don’t touch she would start licking my face.  Now she comes running to do it :o)

                      Booboo just stays really still when i’m kissing her all over, she loves it behind the ears.

                      I’m not sure if this is worse or better than licking them, but i do put the very tips of their ears in my mouth (seperately of course) and….. i actually can’t believe i’m typing this….. rub between my lips in like an in and out motion….in this instance it helps if your lips are dry!! 

                    • BinkyBunny
                      8776 posts Send Private Message

                        Ah! BunnyBabe, that’s cute!      People who don’t have bunnies I’m sure would think we’re all kooks, but when you have a house bunny, how in the world can you resist those most adorable faces…and ears!!

                      • Sarah Jones
                        99 posts Send Private Message

                          im typing this one handed as dougal licks my hands! i left my bun with my mum and sister and when i got back he licks when you rub his head!

                          i got back from hol though and he bit me immediately. i burst into tears! big bruise on my tummy.

                          bunnybabe – i actually do that with my dogs ears too! i call it “smoking an ear” as it’s like puffing on a cigarette. animal ears are so soft and warm, you just cannot help it.

                          we’re not mad. we’re the ones who have seen the better things in life that is all!

                        • Anita Stark
                          194 posts Send Private Message

                            Ow, sounds like he was saying "Don’t leave me again or else"  ‘Cause I don’t think biting your tummy sounds much like "Welcome home".  Sounds like you’ve kissed and made up though.

                            Sable is a licker too.  The second I get my hands on him to get him out of his cage in the morning he starts licking them.  It’s a requirement to have exposed skin in licking distance when petting him too or he’s restless until he finds something.  I guess it’s his idea of reciprocating the grooming.

                            .. and yeah, I "smoke his ears" too.  (I hadn’t thought of calling it that!)

                          • Faye Perry
                            114 posts Send Private Message

                              I’m soooooo glad i’m not the only one to do that!!!! he he they are so soft and warm xx

                            • BinkyBunny
                              8776 posts Send Private Message

                                Were you around any other animals?  Maybe you didn’t smell like you.   Or since you said on your tummy, was he sitting there?  How did he bite your tummy? 

                              • Cuddles_Momma
                                59 posts Send Private Message

                                  Sazemoo- My bun has bitten me slightly on my calves when Im laying on the couch and she doesnt want my legs there. But the tummy? Owie!!

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                              Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A human bunny grooming