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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR Understanding Thumps?

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    • Ami
      45 posts Send Private Message

        So I mentioned in a previous post that I have moved house. Now Finn was previously a free range bunny but in this house he has to stay caged when I am asleep and when I’m out of the house. Needless to say Finn does not like this. I have never had him thump his foot at me so often.

        The weird thing is other than more foot thumps he has done more binkies than I have ever seen him do and is flopped on the floor more often. He also still gives me cuddles and licks my arm. I wonder if he feels more secure here because I left the cats with my mum? He hated the cats…

        This house also has a very well enclosed yard that he gets supervised playtime in. He does heaps of binkies there and of course when I bring him in he thumps his foot at me -_-

        I’m just worried he is going to start hating me I have never seen him thump his foot so often :p

      • Benthebunny
        550 posts Send Private Message

          binkies can be stress related. I have no advice for you but other will.

        • Ami
          45 posts Send Private Message

            Oh dear I thought binkies were happy

          • Mikey
            3186 posts Send Private Message

              Where is he thumping? If he is thumping only inside of his cage, he is showing his unhappiness with you keeping him in there. Although binkies can be caused by stress, they do most often mean happiness, specially when coupled with flopping and being relaxed

            • Ami
              45 posts Send Private Message

                He thumps after I let him out and then goes back to his normal daily activities and then when I try to pick him up to put him in he will thump and then run into the cage himself.
                He hates being picked up so if I walk to him and lean down he thumps which I usually take as “back off” if I sit down then he runs up for pats so it’s not like he doesn’t like being touched…

                I think he is ok outside because he runs around and binkies and sometimes stops to groom himself and comes up to me for a pat but if it’s stress binkies than I will stop taking him out 😮
                When I take him inside he thumps his foot after I put him back on the ground I don’t know if that’s because he is annoyed at being taken outside, annoyed at being taken inside, or annoyed at being picked up 😮

              • Muchelle
                1141 posts Send Private Message

                  He’s giving you very annoyed thumps. He’s annoyed that you pick him up, I think. My bun does them before and after I pick him up for check-ups or if I have to med him. A substitute for the thump is a very rapid nodding of his head (half-binkie, I believe they are called).

                  As long as he gets quality time outside, he will get used to his new living situation. Maybe do try to figure out how to corrall him to and from his cage without picking him up (luring with treats, following him, etc). When it’s time to get out just open the cage and let him go out at his own will, when it’s time to go in serve him his dinner inside the cage, he’ll come running ^^ that’s how I’ve been doing and my bun settled down pretty well.

                • Ami
                  45 posts Send Private Message

                    Yes he never got picked up before when he was free range, he would just come and go as he pleased. I will try to get him into his cage without picking him up, see how that goes.
                    I do have to pick him up to bring him outside though because the floor is too slippery in the hallway and he can’t walk on it. I got him an x pen and some tunnels today to expand his cage space. He just had a dog crate before which was fine cause he wasn’t locked in it :p but this will be better for when I’m out I think. He was very happy with the tunnels

                  • Ami
                    45 posts Send Private Message

                      Here is a picture of his new cage setup, I’m hoping that will keep him a bit happier when I am out

                    • Mikey
                      3186 posts Send Private Message

                        Agreeing with Muchelle. He is giving you annoyed thumps because hes annoyed about having to go in his cage more often. He will likely get used to it as time goes on, and he gets more treats inside of his cage+pen

                      • Bam
                        16901 posts Send Private Message

                          I agree with the rest, he’s likely annoyed by having to go in his cage, but he’ll get used to it. I very much doubt he’ll resent you. And I do think he feels relieved about the cats, if he hated them.

                          His set-up looks great. Buns love a tunnel!

                          Bunnies are so adorable =) If you don’t obey them, they’ll thump. Then they try to stare you down. And if none of that helps, they’ll give you the dreaded bunny butt =)

                        • Muchelle
                          1141 posts Send Private Message

                            Don’t forget the bunny middle finger

                            Great pen! I’m sure he’ll enjoy his new space plenty ^^

                          • Ami
                            45 posts Send Private Message

                              Thanks guys i feel pretty bad about it since he is used to his space, but the x pen has made a noticeable difference already he loves hanging out in it even when he is allowed out so that’s great.

                              It’s funny with the cats they were both scared of him so they wouldn’t go too close but he hated when they came into his Territory he would growl and chase them out of the room and down the hallway 0_o I dunno why he felt so threatened by them.
                              So I think he is a lot happier he doesn’t have them around xD

                            • Bam
                              16901 posts Send Private Message

                                Buns are very territorial, I think that’s why he chased the cats out. My Yohio attacks the sweep. It doesn’t even have to be moving, he attacks it if it’s just standing there. It’s been quiet for a while now so I thought he’d accepted the sweep as a member of his family, but only last week he began attacking it again. (I can hear it fall when I’m in another room). I don’t know what the sweep had been up to, but whatever it was, Yohio wasn’t pleased.

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                            Forum BEHAVIOR Understanding Thumps?