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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum DIET & CARE I need youre help and support please !!

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    • Dina
      20 posts Send Private Message

        Hello Everyone

        I need you’re help and support :/

        Anyway i have a 3 year old female bunny named Nana and i’m getting her sprayed on Wednesday.

        Yes i know i’m very late to do that but you have to know that i live in a country where rabbits are not very popular or how should i say there are like 3 vets in the whole country that do spraying . There is no rabbit care, community or help anywhere. I’m getting very frustrated because i have no one who could help me and i love my bunny very much i want the best for her but finding good food, bedding, toys, hay and meds its very hard. I think we have just 15-20% of stuff that you people have for youre rabbits. So about my bunn, she is free 24/7 in my room, a bit shy but very lazy ( i tried everything to get her more active  with homemade toys, boxes .. doesnt work   … i feed her with pallets, meadow hay ( i can’t find timothy hay anywhere   and fresh veggies from mom’s garden. What im trying to say is that i’m very afraid of what will happen.

        What can i do to make her feel better after?

        How should i feed her?

        We have summer here and its geting warmer every day so should i put ice bottle in her cage when she comes home?

        is there any foods to speed up metabolism if she doesn’t eat?

        I also noticed that since i start feeding her with more veggies, herbs and leafs she doesnt drink so many water as usually is that normal or should i be worried? She eats pellets, treats and hay normal also poop is.

        I’m really scared, beacuse no one understand why i doing it. Everyone think im stupid for giving money away couse it a rabbit 

        I probaby sound stupid that i wasn’t ready before i got her. But i only have english literature to help myself with. 

        Please help me, i need someone who has experience.

        I want to apologize for my English, which is my first foreign language. 

        Thank you for youre time



        D & Nana



      • LBJ10
        16943 posts Send Private Message

          Hi Dina, welcome to BB! Don’t worry, I think we can all understand you just fine. I think is something isn’t clear, we will just ask you to elaborate a little more.

          It is good that you’re having her spayed. Even if she is 3 years old, it isn’t too late to have her spayed so don’t beat yourself up about it. Is the vet that you found experienced in spaying rabbits? Have you asked them questions and their answers were satisfactory? I ask because I want to make sure you are comfortable with them doing the spay. Here is a nice article about things you should ask a vet:
          Note: “Ask if food has to be removed the night before surgery” is an important question. If your vet answers yes, then you will know that they don’t know rabbits very well.

          Now, on to your other questions.

          I would provide her with a nice, quiet place where she can recover. You should restrict her movement (no running/jumping) at least for the first few days following surgery. Make sure she has everything she needs right there and provide her with plenty of good things to eat. Otherwise, feed her as you normally do.

          You can put a frozen bottle in a sock and place it in her area. If she wants it, she will lay next to it.

          If she doesn’t eat, you may need to feed her. I’m guessing critical care isn’t available there, but you can mash up some pellets and water to make a paste. You can also mix in some plain canned pumpkin (not pie filling). Get a large syringe without the needle and use that to feed her the paste a little at a time.

          If she is getting moisture from the veggies, then yes that is normal.

          Hopefully I answered your questions for you.

        • Dina
          20 posts Send Private Message


            First thank you for youre reply and help. I asked my vet about feeding day before and the day of surgery and she said that she can eat normaly , i also asked if i can give her probiotic gel day before (today) and se said also yes, i called her again so im 100% sure.

            I bought Bene-Bac Plus Pet Gel probiotics for her , i also got BunnyNature : Power Flake-Parsley-Mix (Pre-cooked barley and parsely. Stimulates the appetite. Provides the energy required without burdening digestion, barley flakes (92%), parsley stems (8%) ) and Rice flakes & vegetables (In the case of digestive problems such as diarrhoea, eases utilisation of nutrients and has a regulatory effect on the digestive system, rice flakes (91%), pea flakes, carrot flakes, leek (vegetables 9%) ) i bought that because i read that they can loose appetite so thats only thing that i found in my pet store.

            Thank you for youre help. I will keep you posted on how it goes tomorrow.


            D & Nana

          • LittlePuffyTail
            18092 posts Send Private Message

              Just want to wish Nana a quick, easy spay and a speedy recovery!!!!

            • Dina
              20 posts Send Private Message

                Thank you !! 

              • Dina
                20 posts Send Private Message

                  we just come home from a vet, she is doing ok, she was lively. Vet said that she had ovarian cysts and changes in the womb so they take everything out. we have medical check-up on friday this week and then in 7-10 days again. I got oral analgesic for 3 day, probiotic gel. I was surprised that it was not as expensive as I expected. i paid 84,49 € ( 94,45 USD) for spray and 1,44 € ( 1,61 USD ) for analgetic. now i just wait that she starts eating. 

                   please wish us luck 


                  D & Nana

                • Bam
                  16901 posts Send Private Message

                    I wish you two the best of luck! And how wise of you to have her spayed, since she had the changes you mention, she absolutely needed it.

                    Don’t let her hop around a lot even if she’s lively and watch her so she doesn’t start pulling her stiches out, sometimes they want to do that. I don’t know where in the world you are, but by Swedish standards (I’m from Sweden) you got a very good price.

                  • Dina
                    20 posts Send Private Message

                      thank you.

                      she mostly lies down in her cage now. it’s been 9 hours since surgery, she hasn’t eat or drink on her own yet so i gave her water with syringe and she take it, i also try mixed pallets and water to feed her. i think she is hungry but she eats and drink only from syringe… is that normal?
                      oh and i’m from Slovenia

                    • Dina
                      20 posts Send Private Message

                        she doesnt move much, i gave her pain medicine and probiotic, i dont hear teeth grinding. i think she is hungray she was eating only favorite vegetables, dandelions and that it. she pee but no poop. i have to wait til 16.00 so my mum come home so i can take her to the vet if she doesn poop. i found that rabbit should drink 90-100cc/mml pro kg is that true? how much water should i give her because im scared that it will not come out (pee).. :/ she already had the ovarian cysts and changes in the womb and now im freaking out. i m massaging her tummy but nothing.


                      • Bam
                        16901 posts Send Private Message

                          If she’s eating anything at all on her own, it’s an excellent sign. Peeing is also a great sign. Most bunnies are subdued the first time after a spay, since it’s a big operation. They shouldn’t be hopping around a lot anyway. It’s good that you’ve been able to give her water and pellet-mash in a syringe.

                          The amount of water a rabbit drinks is highly dependent on how much veggies they eat. The amount you mention is right for a bunny on only hay and (dry) pellets. I find that when I give my buns a lot of greens, they barely touch their water, whereas in winter they drink about 100 ml/kg.

                          If there is no poop at all this afternoon, you could call your vet and ask if they want her to have motility drugs. I have no personal experience in spayings since my bunnies are male, so I hope more people come into the thread to advice you.

                          I have never been to Slovenia, but I hear it’s a beautiful country with alps and very good skiing.

                        • Dina
                          20 posts Send Private Message


                            She started eating hay on her own, still no drinking alone, i called my vet and he said i should give her pineapple juice 5ml several times a day i gave her some parsley also, she poop only once that soft cecotropes poop its dark colored but she doesnt eat it . should i still take her to the vet? i have an normal termin with her vet tomorrow morning. i give her water 20ml + 5 ml pineapple juice every 2H . She just lies in the cage when i take her out on a table to give her water she starts walking around. I have a question should i mix some pallets with water and give it to her or should i wait and she eat only hay today?

                            thank you for your help ! really

                            D & Nana

                          • Bam
                            16901 posts Send Private Message

                              I honestly don’t think you need to take her to the vet now if you have an appointment tomorrow morning. She has peed and pooped and she’s even eaten som hay: That is excellent for a newly spayed female bunny.

                              Pineapple juice used to be widely used as a digestive aid, but nowadays it’s not really recommended since it has a lot of sugar and the digestive enzymes have been shown to be inactivated in canned juice. You could lower the proportion of juice to water some, sugar may cause runny poop etc. It’s very good she’s taking fluids though.

                              It seems to me like you are doing great. I think you could make a pellet-water mush and give her, hay is very good but she may not have the strenght to eat enough of it and she needs her food now when she’s recovering.

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                          Forum DIET & CARE I need youre help and support please !!