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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE What is my rabbit’s coat color?

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    • Thorunn
      22 posts Send Private Message

        I’m a sucker for technicality. I was just curious what it would be called. I was wondering if anyone knew? I thought maybe broken sooty fawn or something but the images on google suggest not. 

        If it helps, she’s a Holland Lop.

        Thanks for your help! 

      • LBJ10
        16940 posts Send Private Message

          Do you have a picture?

        • Tessie
          1231 posts Send Private Message

            I looked at the picture on your profile, and I’d say broken fawn.

          • jerseygirl
            22345 posts Send Private Message

              Broken black tort?

            • JackRabbit
              5451 posts Send Private Message

                I would guess broken orange tort, **possibly** broken black tort (cant see his face in the pic and the color looks pretty light on my phone). If you look at my siggy, Moshi is a black tort and Marlee is an orange tort. Your bunny being white with the color “added” makes him a “broken” meaning that the color is broken up (that’s the only way I can think to describe it!).

              • Thorunn
                22 posts Send Private Message

                  Oh, I thought I did upload a photo of her on my message as an attachment last night but I guess it didn’t work. I’ll try again. Sorry, I’m new to this forum. She’s got a mix of broken lighter brown or orange maybe along with dark brown or grey…?


                • JackRabbit
                  5451 posts Send Private Message

                    With the darker nose and some gray, that would lean more to the black tort but black torts usually have black noses and face. Maybe a mix of the two. Absolutely adorable though! There was a picture of a bunny in the 2013 Rabbits magazine that a broken something (chocolate brown markings) -told my hubby that was my next bunny addition! Marlee’s mother was a broken tri-color (maybe that’s yours!) and her father was a black tort (same father as Moshi). Moshi’s mother was a frosty sable point — talk about a gorgeous bun!

                  • LBJ10
                    16940 posts Send Private Message

                      She’s little yet, so the color could darken when she loses her “baby coat”. That’s what happened with Leopold. Just going by the darker shade of her nose area and ears, I’m leaning toward broken black tort too.

                    • MoxieMeadows
                      5375 posts Send Private Message

                        I have no clue, but I just wanted to say that he is SOOOO cute!

                      • LBJ10
                        16940 posts Send Private Message

                          Whoops, I meant she when I wrote that. I changed it.

                        • LittlePuffyTail
                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                            Not sure about the coat colour, but what a complete doll!!!!!!

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                        Forum THE LOUNGE What is my rabbit’s coat color?