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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Favorite T.V Show and Other Stuff!?!

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    • Mocha
      509 posts Send Private Message

        Hi everyone. Happy Independece day to everyone who lives in America! Just came back from a lovely hike, and the bunnies haven’t caused any trouble, yet.

        Recently I have been kind of obsessed with the Canadian show Heartland. I just finished watching season 5 on Netflix. But that is the last season they have on U.S Netflix, so I found this website called and haven’t had problems yet.

        I saw the cutest little garden snake in the middle of the road, and I moved him over so he wouldn’t get hit.

        How has everyone else’s day gone?

      • LBJ10
        16943 posts Send Private Message

          I don’t know if I have a favorite TV show. It will change from season to season. The seasons for Continuum and Orphan Black ended not too long ago. I was making sure to watch those. Nothing is a must-watch for me right now, but it will probably change when new seasons start.

          Aww, I love little snakes. They are so cute! I have been seeing a lot of bullsnakes on the road lately. It is getting close to turtle egg-laying season, so I’m sure tons of turtles will be out wandering the roads shortly.

          Nothing exciting today. Our city’s 4th of July celebration was yesterday. I was there, but I was working. My husband is spending today working on his “project” so I will be without running water here again soon. Oh, did I mention he took all of the ductwork down too? Yeah, no air conditioning at the moment either.

        • Mocha
          509 posts Send Private Message

            Without running water and air! That sound terrible, well for me. I live by the beach so luckily its in the high 70s, not too bad.
            My boyfriend is playing tug of war with Rumpus over his phone charger. Wrote to soon about the trouble

          • LBJ10
            16943 posts Send Private Message

              It was in the 80s yesterday and it is supposed to be able to the same today. They are talking upper 90s over the weekend though.

            • MK
              751 posts Send Private Message

                OMG I love Heartland! I’m on season 4, I think

              • LBJ10
                16943 posts Send Private Message

                  My husband caved and brought the portable air conditioner into the house from the garage. This way to bunnies won’t be too warm. It wasn’t too bad today, but I imagine it will get warm in the house over the weekend.

                • Mocha
                  509 posts Send Private Message

                    If I turn the air on, the bunnies give me mean looks as if it’s really cold, and if it’s off, its super warm, so I just decided to put the fan on just for them
                    MK, isn”t Heartland so good!?! I don’t live in Canada so I cant watch it on cbc, and I am no way using an illegal website, so anyone with ideas, help me!

                  • BrunosMama
                    1485 posts Send Private Message

                      I think my only must-watch on TV is The Big Bang Theory, which is between seasons right now. Otherwise, I watch Japanese anime on Hulu. I’m also finishing a series from the late 90’s called Third Rock from the Sun.

                      We currently have central air in our house, which I love. But we are moving soon to a place without it. We’ll have a couple window AC’s but I’ll definitely have to keep an eye on the buns. At least there’s ceiling fans all over.

                      We didn’t do anything really for the 4th of July. There have been fireworks going off in our neighborhood all evening. Hope nobody burns down the street lol

                    • MK
                      751 posts Send Private Message

                        Mocha, is the scene in Heartland where Pegasus dies not the saddest thing ever?

                      • Mocha
                        509 posts Send Private Message

                          I was literally crying my eyes out at that part! Poor Amy!

                        • Deleted User
                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                            I have LOT’S of favourite TV show’s – ‘Homeland’ is way up there along with the ‘Good Wife’…..

                            It’s winter here guys, no complaints about the hot weather from me, BUT I can start complaining about the cold – anyone interested???
                            I hate the cold!!!


                          • Sarita
                            18851 posts Send Private Message

                              It looks like we have Season 1 of Heartland on Netflix – I’ll have to give it a look – I have a bunch of things on Netflix I want to watch including “Orange is the New Black” Season 2 – “House of Cards” – both seasons, “Dexter” and “Breaking Bad” “Arrested Development” and tons more. “Hemlock Grove” looks interesting too. I have to say that Netflix has done some great series.

                              For regular TV I like Chopped and Chopped Canada and a bunch of HGTV and flipping house type series. Also I like those wedding gown shows on TLC like “Say Yes to the Dress” and “I Found the Gown” – silly I know but I always thought it would be fun to design wedding gowns (never sewed a thing in my life though) and didn’t have a gown when I got married but I can’t find anything wrong with looking at pretty wedding gowns LOL.

                              I also like “Veep” which I just finished up on my DVR….I pretty much DVR everything I want to watch because when my husband’s home he watches his shows so when I’m home alone I can watch what I want too. He watches Pawn Stars and American Pickers which I like and also River Monsters but that is pretty much all that I like of what he watches.

                              Been doing alot of reading lately…trying to get through my book stash.

                            • Deleted User
                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                Oh Sarita, Breaking Bad was my absolute favourite show!!! I just loved it!
                                And I’m so disappointed at myself…. being a cheapie with my pay tv service some of the channels are restricted and I’m desperate to see ‘Orange is the new Black’ but can’t get it – super sad face! Let me know if it’s any good – maybe (???) I’ll pay for an upgrade?

                                PS – That’s why I got pay tv, to watch the house flip/reno show’s. I used to watch free tv only and read books when nothing good was on. But once I discovered Foxtel and a channel dedicated to house’s, my reading sort of went out the window (why I couldn’t contribute to your ‘watcha reading’ thread this month – sorry!).

                              • Sarita
                                18851 posts Send Private Message

                                  AndHenry – I did not have cable for the longest time until they did the old switcheroo here in the US where everything went from analog to digital in 2009 (?) and I didn’t yet have a digital TV so I decided to take the plunge and get cable…so of course I got addicted to those shows that all my friends who had cable always talked about and then I got a ROKU so I could watch my Netflix on my TV which I love. When all this happened my reading just went out the window but I decided to recently force myself to read again (which I do really enjoy) and finished off 2 books in the last week…a record for me lately.

                                  I honestly would do away with the Cable I think or at least the extended if my husband wasn’t at home so much – since he was diagnosed with cancer last year and the spreading of the cancer this year, he’s not had much strength so he is home most of the time and I would feel bad if he didn’t have something to gripe about like the same old shows on cable LOL but he has learned how to use the ROKU and watch the same old shows on Netlfix :~)

                                  I will let you know how Season 2 of “Orange is the New Black” is when I get around to marathon watching it which is what I most likely will do.

                                • Deleted User
                                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                                    I have to laugh Sarita, I only got pay tv in the last 14 months, after spending a night at my daughter’s house and discovering the ‘home’ channel, ha ha ha! After recording and watching every show I recently became disillusioned when everything seemed to be a repeat and phoned to disconnect my service for them to offer me a reduced deal. Yes… I accepted! I got tempted by the adds of ‘new season’ starting in July/August – how silly am I? Don’t answer that! Lol!
                                    I understand your hubby taking comfort with the tv – I did/do. Nothing better (for me) than snugging up in bed with 3 dog’s and a bunny and watching tv.
                                    My youngest son gets Netflix on his computer, and when I asked him about it for me, he said you have to know an account holder in the States that is willing to give you their details to access it??? Trust him to get engaged to an American! LOL! He’s using her parents account (they live there). Cheeky bugga!
                                    I know I said this ages ago – I’m sorry your hubby is declining with his health, but he must be doing ok if he can still complain about the repeats??? Ha ha haha ha….. Make sure he watches Breaking Bad (but I guess he already has???) lol, cause it is that good!
                                    And YES please – let me know how ‘Orange is the New Black’ is, I’m desperate to know if I’m missing out….

                                    PS – I haven’t given up on books, I still have a few ‘in’ (so Henry can’t chew them!) my bedside drawer. If the repeats continue I may be adding to your ‘watcha reading’ thread after all…. lol! Cheers Sarita.

                                  • manic_muncher
                                    1061 posts Send Private Message

                                      True Blood, Falling Skies, Under the Dome, and Defiance are my current shows I keep up with. Walking Dead and Supernatural when they return. We recently swapped out EPIX channels for HBO since True Blood was about to start back up. I’m sad this is the final season.

                                      I think I’m gonna check out Game of Thrones. I haven’t watched any of it yet, since that time period isn’t interesting to my hubby, and I pretty much watch what he’s watching, or I watch my computer monitor. LOL

                                      He likes that new show “Last Ship”, it seems ok, but not really that interesting to me. Perhaps because every time it’s been on, I’ve only halfway paid attention to it.

                                      Thinking about picking up Stephen King’s Dark Tower series and reading that again.

                                    • Beka27
                                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                                        We don’t have Netflix currently (we were too busy to watch anything on there so we canceled it) but now there are all these great exclusive shows on there! I might have to get it again! I want to check out “Orange…”, “House of Cards”, and the new “Arrested Development” season!

                                        We have Showtime. We watched “Californication”, but that show just ended after the 7th(?)season. We watch “Shameless”, but that is currently between seasons. Both of those shows were/are awesome! But they are very raunchy/risqué, so definitely not for everyone! Mike and I DVR the episodes and watch a bunch of them when Michael (11yo) isn’t around! Lol!

                                        As for regular TV, we are obsessed with “The Blacklist” and “Big Bang Theory”. Mike loves CSI. I watch it with him, but I personally think it’s kind of run its course.

                                        We like some of the “odd” reality shows… Naked and Afraid, the Amish kids on TLC, and cooking shows.

                                      • JackRabbit
                                        5451 posts Send Private Message

                                          Except for True Blood, MM pretty much matches my list (gotta have my Grey’s Anatomy too tho!). Game of Thrones is amazing, and I normally don’t like things from that time or westerns. You have to watch it from the beginning!

                                        • manic_muncher
                                          1061 posts Send Private Message

                                            Ohh we like naked and afraid too!!

                                          • justwildbeat
                                            257 posts Send Private Message

                                              Recently got into Game of Thrones, ended up watching all four seasons within a month lol. My regular favorites are Top Chef, Knife Fight, and Million Dollar Listing (NYC). Other than that I’ll zone out and watch most things on tv. That is until I canceled cable last month lol. The summer months are slow.

                                            • MoxieMeadows
                                              5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                Hmmm, “Once Upon A Time,” “My Cat From Hell,” “Pit Bulls and Parolees,” “Full House,” and “Dude you’re screwed!”
                                                Now, some of those titles seem very weird, let me explain.
                                                “Once Upon A time”— A TV show on Netflix about like all of the storybook characters being dropped off in a small town in Maine because of a curse… VERY hard to explain…

                                                “My Cat From Hell” — A TV show (might be some on Netflix) about a “Cat whisperer” who helps cats with anger problems or are vicious or whatever…

                                                “Pit Bulls And Parolees” — A pit bull rescue called Viallobos (I think that’s how it’s spelled) that really only hires Parolees, it’s pretty much a second chance place.

                                                “Full House” — An older show that comes on at night that I find cute and interesting- A good family show.

                                                “Dude You’re Screwed” — These friends take turns dropping one of them off in a secret location (Only secret to the person being dropped off, they don’t know where they are.) And they have like 48 hours to find civilization, but they take health cautions like if your body temperature gets to a certain temp they come and get you…

                                                These are all shows I sometimes watch, I’m not really into any shows too much right now…

                                              • Stickerbunny
                                                4128 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Right now watching: Falling skies, defiance, grimm (on season 3)

                                                  When they return: Walking dead, once upon a time, continuum, beauty and the beast, vampire diaries, arrow – will check out the new daredevil on netflix and flash when they come out too. And probably constantine when it comes out.

                                                  I have netflix + amazon prime + my computer for watching TV. Only reason to get cable for me would be HBO/Showtime/Cinemax but I don’t like their shows so much (not a huge fan of that much nudity every episode) so no loss for me.

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                                              Forum THE LOUNGE Favorite T.V Show and Other Stuff!?!