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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A what the heck is this by my bunnys tail

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    • Ablesmom
      31 posts Send Private Message

        I tipped my bunny upside down to check my bunnies gender now that SHE is a bit older….and to the left and right of her “parts” was this pink fleshy flap of skin…on both the right and left side….that is not bunny balls is it?????? they were not round balls by any means just flaps of skin where they would be….what is that i saw 

      • LongEaredLions
        4482 posts Send Private Message

          They could be, it sounds like Penelope could be a boy?
          How old is he/she?
          I would see if you can get her/him to the vets to check.

        • Ablesmom
          31 posts Send Private Message

            she is about 12 weeks…..what else could that be….they were flat flaps of skin…nothing about them is solid or round

          • Roberta
            4355 posts Send Private Message

              Ummm, Yep… They sound exactly like bunny balls and at 12 weeks they would be visible but they might not always be down at this stage. How does the name Percival sound

            • Ablesmom
              31 posts Send Private Message

                OH not my penelope….we loved her name….im sad now…and my sons will not let me keep the name if she is a boy…i mean he

              • Beka27
                16016 posts Send Private Message


                  You started this thread back in February questioning the sex of Penelope… It does sound like the mystery is solved. A flap of skin on either side of the genitals do indicate that bunny testicles are imminent. 😉

                • LongEaredLions
                  4482 posts Send Private Message

                    Don’t be sad! Boy bunnies are just as sweet as girls. How about Percy, Piper, or Phoenix?

                  • Ablesmom
                    31 posts Send Private Message

                      I think i could have handled it being a boy better back then….i had multiple people in the pet store confirm to me that HE was in fact a SHE i left very comfortable calling her penelope..back to the drawing board for names……something will strike me…so keep the suggestions coming

                    • BunnyLady1989
                      446 posts Send Private Message

                        I probably shouldn’t chuckle, but this was alittle funny with the name issue. And honestly he can still be a she to you guys I personally love the name Penelope. Its super cute…Maybe later on your newly found little guy can have a girlfriend? haha.

                      • Ablesmom
                        31 posts Send Private Message

                          uggg you want a good laugh you should have been here when i flipped her over…i was like “what the hell is that, that better NOt be what i think it is” starting searching the internet right away and my husband was like “what”? and i said..I think penelope has balls….

                        • Kbana
                          529 posts Send Private Message

                            Everyone at the pet store where I got Albert swore he was a girl too. The vet sexed him correctly a few weeks later as a HE. On the bright side, sometimes a neuter is cheaper and a little easier to recover from than a spay…Silver lining? What if you just call him Penn?

                          • LBJ10
                            16945 posts Send Private Message

                              LOL, I’m envisioning that conversation in my head!

                              Yes, my suggestion in your other thread was to call him (if he was a he) Penn or Pennington instead. Since you like Penelope so much, you could very easily just “shorten” it to Penn. I’m sorry things didn’t turn out the way you wanted. This is actually fairly common with young bunnies. Sexing them wrong, I mean.

                              BTW, I love having my two boys. =)

                            • BunnyLady1989
                              446 posts Send Private Message

                                Lol, I can just imagine that moment! Ha and Kbana does have a point though!

                              • jerseygirl
                                22345 posts Send Private Message

                                  It is so so common pet shop employees get it wrong. Heck, even other experienced people get it wrong sometimes. I always think of Kralspace’s Pringles in cases like this. Her vet changed hisind in the gender several times.

                                  Rabbits can pull the testicles back up. This may be why you’re not seeing anything rounded out.
                                  They sit just forward of the genitals. So toward the belly, not the tail.
                                  The other bare skin near the genitals are the scent glands. They are deep pockets directly each side.

                                  You could keep the name Penelope and call him Opie for short perhaps?
                                  OR call him LMNOP (or MNOP) ! You have to sing that like in the alphabet song.
                                  If you want to stick to a P name, how about Punk’d ? Lol
                                  Cute little bun by the way. Love his shading.

                                • Ablesmom
                                  31 posts Send Private Message

                                    WAIT…could that be scent glands i was seeing????? would they be on either side of the the genitals..flat little flesh colored folds of skin????? I don’t even know what or where scent glads are…i just know bunny’s have them…LOL

                                  • Roberta
                                    4355 posts Send Private Message

                                      OK…. Approximate size and distance from the twinkie bits is required to answer that… If the skin flaps are a a centimeter out and slightly above then they are gonads. If they are literally part of the whole construction inset and about the size of a pinky finger nail then it could be anal glands.

                                    • Ablesmom
                                      31 posts Send Private Message

                                        ok well i tried, those things sound like they are more Gonady then anything else…thanks for the done flipping that poor bunny over…i owe him dinner and drinks about now..

                                      • Linette
                                        114 posts Send Private Message

                                          Flip bun over, and press right above the middle of the genitals. A female will have a slit, with a round of flesh at the top and tighter at the bottom, a boy will have a tubular pink penis come out. Sometimes the testicles descend late, or not at all, but only boys have penises

                                        • JackRabbit
                                          5451 posts Send Private Message

                                            Sometimes young males won’t always have a penis pop out, but the girls will have a tiny slit opening and the boys will have a round opening. Google “sexing a rabbit” for pictures of what to look for.

                                            My son was convinced our first bunny was a boy and named the bunny JackJack. I took a look at the pics online, flipped the bunny over, got out the magnifying glass (to be sure!) and . . . my son was so disappointed when I said “Somebunny is a girl!”. That evening, JackJack was renamed Kieko. Kieko was approximately 10 weeks old when the Vet confirmed she was a girl (two weeks after we checked). I’ve heard that’s it’s often difficult to tell the sex of bunnies, but with those pics, we got lucky and got it right on all three of our bunnies at 8-10 weeks old. The magnifying glass really helps!

                                          • jerseygirl
                                            22345 posts Send Private Message

                                              This is hands-down the best images I’ve seen for sexing rabbits. The buns in the photo are young. It also shows the space difference between the genitals and bottom. That’s not always obvious to see that unless you have a male and female to compare. You can also see where the scent glands are. (The horizontal lines each side).

                                              Readers, cover your eyes now if you don’t want to see any “twinkie-bits”. I’d never heard that term before Roberta. Lol

                                               photo 331C63D8-0441-4AE2-9051-C8953B2E54C4-2660-0000035DA1088FA9_zps9f64de94.jpg

                                               photo DFF4704C-105E-432F-8CBE-0137F1243AFB-2660-0000035DADA9E334_zps08bb3a41.jpg

                                               photo 9043FB82-87E5-47BD-A74D-4CBBA5693D0B-2660-0000035DB77FDC7E_zps1376f149.jpg

                                            • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                              12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                I wondered by your first post if you were seeing scent glands, as you referred to it as a flap. Jersey posted these amazing pictures that should help (and also really illustrate how crazy similar both sexes look!)

                                                The scent glands can be opened by spreading them and they will have some stinky ear wax looking gunk in them; Testicles of course will not open, so by gently touching the flap you should be able to tell if your seeing glands or testicles.

                                              • LBJ10
                                                16945 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Testicles are also going to be forward/above the “twinkie-bits” (LOL, Roberta). So more toward the abdomen, as opposed to behind/below the genitals like you would see on a dog or a cat. They will look like 2 oval patches, like you’re looking at the pad of your thumb peeking through the fur.

                                                • Ablesmom
                                                  31 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Thanks for all the help, i took bunny to a pet store today where i found out that She is in fact a boy…….so our Penelope is getting a name change…my kids have picked out the name Able….the boys wanted to change it…my daughter did not, however she did like the name Able so we are going with that for now anyway

                                                  • LongEaredLions
                                                    4482 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I wouldn’t trust a pet store. They often mis-sex bunnies. I would see if you can get to a vet for confirmation.

                                                    • Beka27
                                                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Pet stores are often wrong, but if the testes are visible, well… That’s pretty conclusive… Lol!

                                                        Do you have a vet set up for neutering yet?

                                                      • MyBunnyPepper
                                                        18 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I feel your pain. I purchased my mini rex from a BREEDER and he told me he was a girl. We got two, one for me and one for my sister. Then when he was about 12-14 wks old, he started displaying some male behavior. Checked, and sure enough, Pepper was a boy. The other actually WAS a girl, so we had to do some real fast cage building. HaHa. I was mortified that he was a boy at that point, but now, I’m glad he is. The female is rather territorial, where he is not. So I think it turned out for the better.

                                                        • Meatloaf N Bunnito
                                                          76 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Hee! This reminds me of when i got my bunbuns. I bought two buns at the pet store. They are from the same litter so they were both two months old. A lil too young for sexing. About a month later I took em to get sexed and I had a pair. a boy n a girl… Well I was determined that Bunnito was a girl and Meatloaf was a boy… It was the opposite lol. But alas this made more a quick trip to the vet for some spaying n neutering. luckily no unwanted litters were born. yay! lol

                                                          • BunnyLady1989
                                                            446 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Lol…”Twinkie bits”…
                                                              It’s crazy how they look so similar! I can definitely see where the confusion would be then.

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                                                          Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A what the heck is this by my bunnys tail