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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Very sick and desperate

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    • mw02066
      5 posts Send Private Message

        Hello I’m sorry this is such an informal way of introducing myself, I’m sorry I’m desperate!

        My Bunnies name is Wolpertinger. He is two years old, small, and spotted brown white and black. He’s a beautiful boy, but he’s really sick. I took him to the vet a several days ago because hes not doing well at all. We are very poor only on my fathers social security money, but we are trying our best. I noticed over the past few months tinger loosing weight and making odd huffing noises and then his right eye began to ooze. All the vet said was that he had incisor maloclusion and right molar spurs which formed infection. She gave us antibiotics (we couldn’t afford the pain pills) and told us we needed dental work done for $500 which would need to be repeated as the teeth grow. We do not have this money.

        I’ve been looking around but no one in Massachussett’s seems able to give us proper estimates. Some facilities are being purposely vague with prices, saying “come in and we will tell you.” we could hardly afford the one visit.

        The anti-biotics meanwhile do not seem to be even helping the infection much, and despite my constant effort of mashing up his food and putting pellots in water to break down and be easily chew able, hes loosing weight and energy. I can feel his ribs…and all he does is sleep. He appears also to have trouble seeing the water bottle, and bobs his head whenever trying to get it. When I go to pet him he seems surprised as well, and finding food is difficult. The vet didn’t even check for what type of infection it was…I’m worried even if i somehow got the money to get his teeth extracted or ground down he wouldn’t make it anyways.

        Advice, support all would be welcome. I’m only nineteen, my fathers 67 and doesn’t move so well. I just dont know what to do. He’s family.

      • AnnaW
        569 posts Send Private Message

          Hey there, sorry youve been having such trouble. Its heart breaking to watch our little frinds get ill, you really must try and find the money somewhere to get him tthe surgery. My bunny Biscuit had the exact same, he became very weak very quickly despite me mashing up his food and spoon feeding him everday. I wish I could help you financially somehow, please let us know how you get on. Sending healing vibes and hugs x

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            I’m sorry you are having such trouble as well. I can understand why the vet offices cannot give you a proper estimate until they see what the problem is for themselves – it’s frustrating because it’s not like a spay or neuter, it sounds a bit more complicated.

            You might contact some local rabbit rescues and see if they have any advice or know of any clinics that might work with you. There is a House Rabbit Society in Massachusetts – it’s worth contacting them.

          • mw02066
            5 posts Send Private Message

              Thanks guys and I will! I’ve been emailing Sheltures like crazy but no one gets back unless to ask for donations but I will try the house rabbit society! I’m just so worried about my little guy, I have the best relationship in the world with him, and I just hate seeing him like this, hes just not the bunny I know and love. I know they have to see him again before they can decide what to do but thats another 130 dollers my dads social security check is 600, our rent is 800 we struggle just to keep ourselves afloat. I just hope some more people might email me back in the next few days in the meantime I’l calling every vet I can haha. Poor rabbit’s I’m finding out, do not get much help at all.

            • mw02066
              5 posts Send Private Message

                Also, I was wondering if any of you have ever had bunny’s teeth extracted? I feel that would be our best option rather than continual cuttings. Not only financially but emotionally for this little guy too.

              • jerseygirl
                22345 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m really sorry. This sounds like a very difficult situation.
                  Dental problems are common in rabbits and can get expensive.

                  If you haven’t already, do an online search: low cost vet clinics MA. Then go through the results. Many will only be spay/neuter clinics but you may find others.

                  This teaching clinic might be an option however I have no idea if it is near you.

                  There is also a free clinic in Allston MA. If close, you could seek another opinion and discuss options more. You will want the attending vet to have significant rabbit experience of course.

                  Are you trying to contact the rabbit specific rescues? Perhaps you’ll have to personally visit rather then email. They’re often run by volunteers & emails aren’t always attended promptly because there is so much work to do.

                • mia
                  532 posts Send Private Message

                    This may seem harsh but maybe the best thing for your bun is if you give him up to a shelter who can take care of him and at least give him basic medical needs. I have even heard of people paying a shelter to take their pet. You can even try to ask for future visits but to ask a shelter to take care of your pet’s medical needs and still have the pet live with you would be poor judgement on the shelter’s part. They have to place pets in a household which has financial means to take care of the pet; many shelters ask for household income before allowing adoption.

                  • jerseygirl
                    22345 posts Send Private Message

                      I think the suggestion of contacting rescues is to ask for references for affordable vet care.

                      I do agree though that if an owner cannot find affordable treatment they do need to consider surrendering their pet to a place or person that is able to have it treated. As heartbreaking as that is.

                    • BinkyBunny
                      8776 posts Send Private Message

                        I have had a bunny who had several teeth extracted over the years due to infection. She did just fine. Sometimes, depending on how severe the malocclusion is extraction can be a good long term solution — it really depends on the situation and that is something you will need to discuss with your vet.

                        Regarding the cost — Is there anyway you can afford doing a payment plan with the vet? $50/month?

                        There are also some programs for people who need vet care but are in a financial bind.  Not sure the process you have to go through, but they may be worth checking out. 

                      • mw02066
                        5 posts Send Private Message

                          I’ve emailed or attempted to call most of those BB still waiting to hear back. Never heard o fImom though I will look into them!

                          As for the shelture option, I am aware of what responsibility lies in ownership. I don’t have all sorts of animals running around, I have one bunny that I’ve already brought to the vet. I’ve read that most families find a vet bill for continual teeth maintenance out of their reach. I’ve read that alot of bunnies that go to sheltures with malocclusion ultimately get put down due to their “unnadoptable quality”. In the future if I find a shelture I can trust will do the best for Tinger where I can not, I will give it to them. But I have not so far. I think people who love animals put alot of trust in facilities where its not always earned.

                          Also, You all know how special a bunny is. I do to. My father on the other hand, as with the majority of people surrounding this issue outside of a rabbit forum etc, think a bunny is just an animal and animals should be left to their own maintenance. I know this problem isn’t something that’s just going to go away and that letting a bunny just sit in his own pain is not something I can do. I think I’m going to wait out the remainder of the antibiotic days, see who responds to my messages, and go from there.

                        • Roberta
                          4355 posts Send Private Message

                            Hi MW, There use to be a site that helped people cover vet costs but it might take me a while to find it again… Have you considered a “Chipin” or “Gofundme” option. I know some people feel uncomfortable asking for money but you can cap it at a set amount. It can’t hurt to put it out there on Facebook. Explain the reason you need the money and ask for a few donations. Just a thought. I have seen many other people do it. They make modest requests and most people are receptive.

                          • Beka27
                            16016 posts Send Private Message

                              I have also seen some people do fundraising via a donation link on Facebook. You might not get the full amount you need, but it may help a bit. I know you’re new here, so I just want to add that fundraising efforts are not permitted on BB. You cannot post links to a donation site.

                              What did the vet say the total cost is to remove the offending teeth? That is the only way that you’re going to eliminate the malocclusion problem. Some rabbits who get dental trims only need it once or twice a year, some need it every month or two.

                              Does your vet accept CareCredit? That’s another option that I don’t think I’ve seen listed.

                            • Ella K.
                              101 posts Send Private Message

                                Oh my gosh. That sounds horrible, I’m so sorry about your situation.

                                Have you tried giving the HRS a call? They probably have really good suggestions.

                              • mw02066
                                5 posts Send Private Message

                                  Tinger was put down today. We went in this morning after exhausting all our options. This vet is a family friend. He told me he believed Tinger had a tumor on his throat anyways and that’s the real trouble behind everything. So the other vets just wanted money and he ultimately would have died anyways. Atleast now he’s no longer in pain. But I miss him. So much. And watching the lights go out of his eyes….I will never forget him.

                                • Deleted User
                                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                                    My heart goes out to you, … my little one died in my lap just over two weeks ago, what you are going through is something still very fresh that I can truly relate to. Sending you all the comfort and sympathy possible through cyberspace!

                                    I realize there’s lots else I could say, but I expect you already know how hard you tried, and I know that while hearing that now is a Little comforting for the first few days it didn’t help at all. Don’t know if you feel the same but in case you do (or don’t) that is why I’m leaving that out.

                                  • jerseygirl
                                    22345 posts Send Private Message

                                      I’m so very sorry you had to say goodbye. But when they’re in pain and there’s little that can be done, you’ve put him first. It’s such a difficult thing.
                                      I had to face this a couple months ago with my rabbit so I really feel for you. We know its the right thing to do but that doesn’t make it hurt any less.

                                      It will probably take a while but you will start remembering the happier moments. Rabbits are special and he is obviously very much in your heart.

                                      ***Binky Free Tinger***

                                    • AnnaW
                                      569 posts Send Private Message

                                        So so sorry to hear of your loss, it is so hard. You did the right thing, he is binkying free now and no longer in pain. I know how it hurts, having had to get my previous bun put down because of severe dental issues – but in a few weeks you’ll start remembering the happy memories and seeing that what you did was a selfless act.
                                        Sometimes if you love something, you have to let it go.
                                        Sending healing thoughts x

                                      • Roberta
                                        4355 posts Send Private Message

                                          Binky Free little Tinger.
                                          Your Mummy loves you and did what was best.

                                        • LittlePuffyTail
                                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                                            I’m very sorry for your loss. ((((((Binky Free Tinger)))))

                                            We never forget our wonderful bunny friends.

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                                        Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Very sick and desperate