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Forum DIET & CARE no bedding….really??

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    • MrBilboBagginsMammy
      70 posts Send Private Message

        Hey everyone, I was wondering if it realky is ok to not have any bedding in my bilbo’s cage? Its a plastic base. I feel really guilty even thinking about removing it as the pet store told me I needed it and its to make him nice and comfy. His litter area is different stuff to his bedding so he doesnt get confused and he would eat a towel if I used that as bedding. 

        Could I hace some views or guidancevas to what to do as I just feel I’m being told to take away his comforts. 

      • SirThumpsey
        539 posts Send Private Message

          If you have bedding (like carefresh) lining the bottom of the cage it will be much harder to litter train him so it’s really better to just have bedding/litter in his litter box….less to clean anyway.

          Hope this helps….

        • Malp_15
          601 posts Send Private Message

            A lot of time my rabbits, will push their blankets/beds out of the way to lay on the hard floor. They seem to prefer the hard floor.

            Have you tried a fleece blanket? That way you could give him something to lay on, but it’s less harmful on his GI tract if he happens to eat a bit of it.

          • LoveChaCha
            6634 posts Send Private Message

              You don’t need the bedding. The pet store is wrong, they are looking to make a profit by telling you so :p The only place bedding should be is in the litter box.

              A nice fleece blanket is good enough to put on the bottom of your bunny’s house.

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                Well I think if you are fine with it and he uses his litter box that is okay. The general thinking is that it can confuse a rabbit but if it doesn’t confuse yours and you are fine cleaning the bedding, then I think it’s not a problem.

              • Roberta
                4355 posts Send Private Message

                  Mine have beautiful woven cotton rugs in their cages over newspaper in case of acciddents. They also have little fleece bunny rugs. Most of the time they are out in the play area and they push everything out of the way so they can lay on the harder surfaces, except for Piglet who sits perched on his plushie heart pillow.(Which I will have to wash again as Pepper peed on it)

                • MerlinsMom
                  60 posts Send Private Message

                    My pair have care fresh in their litter boxes but no other bedding, although they are in a hutch it has plastic trays for the flooring. They have fleece blankets in the bit where they sleep but usually they end up all screwed up and the buns flop out on the plastic. I used to line the hutch floors with newspaper but it stained their feet.

                  • tanlover14
                    3617 posts Send Private Message

                      They really don’t need bedding at all. If you are worried then just throw a towel or blankie in there for him to snuggle on!

                    • MrBilboBagginsMammy
                      70 posts Send Private Message

                        Thankyou for your repkies everyone, it’s really helped me out. I think this is an American website hut I am from the UK so not sure what care fresh is but bikbo’s litter is just a wood pellet litter so probably similar stuff. As for his bedding, I have removed all of it and replaced with a soft fleece blanket so with any luck he will adapt to it well and it should keeo my house tidier.

                      • Roberta
                        4355 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m in Australia… We have care fresh but it costs a fortune and the buns don’t like it. I tried the full hay in condo but they just used it as giant toilet. A cat litter tray full of hay and soft cotton rugs was the perfect solution for my bubs.

                        • Sarita
                          18851 posts Send Private Message

                            You are going to find taking the bedding out of the cage is going to make your life much easier!

                          • LBJ10
                            16945 posts Send Private Message

                              Care Fresh is this recycled paper stuff. It isn’t in pellet form, it’s like fluffy paper pulp or something. I never use the stuff. I use the Yesterday’s News (recycled paper compressed into pellets) and it is just in the litter box.

                            • MerlinsMom
                              60 posts Send Private Message

                                Hi Bilbo’s mum, I noticed you said you’re from the uk, I am as well. You can buy care fresh from pets at home if you have one nearby, it’s the only place I’ve seen that sells it.

                              • Sarita
                                18851 posts Send Private Message

                                  I also wanted to mention that pet stores many times recommend items to sell you stuff and not necessarily what is in you and your pet’s best interest – they want to make sales.

                                • MrBilboBagginsMammy
                                  70 posts Send Private Message

                                    Hiya oh really, where abouts in the uk? that’s great i am from wiltshire. is care fresh expensive? i use non clumping wood litter meant for cats as its cheaper than the rabbits version. 

                                  • MerlinsMom
                                    60 posts Send Private Message

                                      They do different sized bags, the biggest one costs £20 but it’s lasts me over a month with two buns changing two litter trays completely every other day. The next size down is about £7 and lasts me about 10 days.

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                                  Forum DIET & CARE no bedding….really??