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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING and it was all goin so well…..

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    • Stitchntwinks
      207 posts Send Private Message

        Well…… i have good….ish news,

        Today i have stitch and twinks out together in their room for 6 hours, for those who havnt seen my previous posts, i am trying to boond them i had stitch for 6months ish when i decided to get a friend for him, i was doing neutral area bonding and stressing time i a basket so thought id take it a step further.

        so they did so well for about three hours today then stitch just started obsessivly humping her, there was no aggression she just hopped away and every now and again she would give him a little nip but before he had started this i was able to leave them and go into the kitchen(next to there room) and make dinner, they were cuddling and kissing and sharing litterboxes and food bowls, i seriousl started thinking that was it and they might be ok from now on!!!

        There wasnt any fights or anything but he just kepy on for like an hour and a half, i was spraying him with water and that didnt put him off that much.

        They were so tired and kept flopping next to eachother then he would remember what he wanted to do, he has been neutered for at least 2 months now, so maybe its territorial? but it just randomly started.

        i tried to sit it out and thought he might stop but in the end after 6 ours i put her back in her run, basically just to give her a chance to have a rest..



        has anyone got any ideas what to do?!!? i was sooo hopefull,, maybe i just pushed it so far, after the 4 hour mark anyone would think they had been a happily bonded pair for years!!!! soo annoying!

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          I’m not sure what the problem is…are you talking about the humping?

        • Stitchntwinks
          207 posts Send Private Message

            yea, it just went on for hours,, or am i being silly and its not a problem at all?

          • Sarita
            18851 posts Send Private Message

              Well, I think you need to gauge the rabbits reaction and see if she seems to be distressed about it. If not, then let her work it out. If you feel you need to intervene then I would just gently take him off of her and pet them both together.

              Sometimes humping can be because they are excited – it’s not necessarily dominance, but it can be.

            • Stitchntwinks
              207 posts Send Private Message

                it was really wierd she was hopping really high and binkying when she was running away to start with but then she was getting really tired and i was nervous that after everything a fight broke out.. so i thought it was best to seperate them, do u your he might just get bored with it? just because she hasnt been aggressive with him yet doesnt mean that she wont if she gets really fed up, im just not sure why he kept doing it maybe it was because he is falling in love with her and got exited about it?

              • Sarita
                18851 posts Send Private Message

                  Did they have a fight?

                • Stitchntwinks
                  207 posts Send Private Message

                    not at all no

                  • Sarita
                    18851 posts Send Private Message

                      It’s hard to know what they are going to do which is why you just have to watch their reactions and see how they are doing. Try not to put your emotions in it – it may bother you but it may not bother her.

                    • Stitchntwinks
                      207 posts Send Private Message

                        yea thats true. i think it was just because she wasnt even getting a chance to lie down an hour and a half was such a long time for her to constantly hsve to run away from him, and he wasnt really backing down

                      • LBJ10
                        16945 posts Send Private Message

                          Leopold humped the crap out of Wooly when I first put them together. Wooly would just sit there and take it. When he decided he didn’t want to take it anymore, he would simply hop away. It seemed really excessive at the time, but they worked through it after a few days. Sometimes you just need to let things run their course. I wouldn’t be concerned unless she is showing distress.

                        • Stitchntwinks
                          207 posts Send Private Message

                            Ok thanks for your help, I’m just a nervous bunny mummy!!

                          • Monkeybun
                            10479 posts Send Private Message

                              Monkey still humps Smudge, so I wouldn’t worry As long as she isn’t freaking out, let it happen. At some point you need to just take a breath, step back, and let them sort it out

                            • Stitchntwinks
                              207 posts Send Private Message

                                Thanks monkeybun, I no your right!! It just went on for ageessss, I’m going to put them back in tonight and just see what happens!! Wish me luckk!!

                              • Stitchntwinks
                                207 posts Send Private Message

                                  So I’ve been thinking they have been getting on ok u til stitch starts obsessively humping her then they both be stresses and it’s just silly, buttt he was neutered bout 6 usher weeks ago, is there a chance he still has some of his manly I need to breed hormones in him? Any advise? I’m kinda running out of ideas now?

                                • LBJ10
                                  16945 posts Send Private Message

                                    How many days has there been actual humping going on. Like I said, it took awhile before Leopold was all humped out. If it hasn’t been that long, then I would continue to let them work things out for themselves. They will get past this.

                                  • Stitchntwinks
                                    207 posts Send Private Message

                                      Erm 3 days in a row they’ve been together and he has humped her every time hoping itlnjustvware off in time

                                    • Monkeybun
                                      10479 posts Send Private Message

                                        3 days is nothing

                                        And remember, humping may not necessarily stop after they are bonded. Monkey still humps Smudge, and they’ve been bonded quite awhile now

                                      • Stitchntwinks
                                        207 posts Send Private Message

                                          yee I no!! I think they are nearly bonded!! If he just let up on the humping a bit itd be fine she just gets cranky and annoyed with him after a while of it! I have ordered some nic panels off amazon and waiting for them atm! I think she’s still a bt territorial so having a totally new home might help cement it??

                                        • Monkeybun
                                          10479 posts Send Private Message

                                            definitely cement them in a new area, not one that belonged to either of them

                                            A change of space may ease up the humping too, never know

                                          • Stitchntwinks
                                            207 posts Send Private Message

                                              So does that mean they have to live somewhere else forever, I’m getting a bit confused with this bit of bonding, I literally don’t have anywhere else for them to live 🙁

                                            • Monkeybun
                                              10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                No no, they don’t have to live somewhere else forever. Just until they are cemented It’s temporary, don’t worry. Just a few days until they are set in their bond.

                                              • Stitchntwinks
                                                207 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Ok then thank you for your help, for now we are doing hour- hour and a half sessions before twinks starts getting fed up with the humping! But she gave him massive grooms last night it was lovely, I no that if he stops humping they’d be fine! So it’s rather frustrating!

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                                              Forum BONDING and it was all goin so well…..