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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Our bunny passed away

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    • Nelli
      72 posts Send Private Message

        We had two sisters from the same litter, Nelli and Malla. Now Malla passed away last night. We don’t know why or what happened. My daughters are so sad and we worry about our other bunny, Nelli. Malla seemed fine, no outward signs of illness or anything. She ate that morning that we know of (we have no way of knowing if she ate when we were out from the house), and during the evening she was unusually quiet. I palpated her tummy to feel if she had blockage (no, I have no idea what I should have felt, but her tummy was normal feeling and she didn’t react in any way when I gently touched her). I had a vet’s address ready so I could take her to the vet in the morning, but she was dead. Malla was only three years old, she was spayed and all I can think of is “hope it wasn’t contagious”. I know she was just a rabbit, but I too feel very sad. I have no idea if we should try to get a friend for Nelli now. Nelli spent the morning running in their cage (it’s huge), flipping food trays and I even heard her thump a few times. Now she won’t accept treats, though she moves normal and has eaten her pellets. Can bunnies visibly grieve like this?


        Anyway, we will always remember her <3


         Nelli and Malla (on the right)

      • zsqaured
        13 posts Send Private Message

          So sorry for your loss! ;(

        • My1&onlyMarshmellow
          13 posts Send Private Message

            I herd you should let the body of the passed to be sniffed by the bonded rabbits as they understand death and will know what happened at least? So not to be wondering what on earth happened. And hope you still have the passed bunnies body still? If not get a pet rabbit as real looking and feeling as possible i heard and experienced it helps. My marshmallow had one from the dog toy section and it resembled him too he had known couple of other bunnies one had to be put down due to tilted head i couldn’t afford treatment (r.i.p scarlett, marshmallow missed u, r.i.p marshmallow i miss you-its been only about 2 1/2 days without u and it feels like forever) marshmallow and i were bonded since he was my first and only rabbit most my life. anywyas I am deeply sorry for your loss.
            I think if you get a stuffed rabbit they will groom it. Marshmellow even “loved” his “companion” and groomed it. He groomed that bunny like no tomorrow. I will miss that so so so dearly and very muCH. Take lots of care

          • Nelli
            72 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you both <3 Yes, Nelli had a chance to be with the dead body, as Malla must have died quite early in the night because she was already in rigor mortis in the early morning when we took her out of the cage. So I'm sure Nelli knew Malla was dead. I was wondering about the stuffed toy rabbit, but I'm concerned as Nelli (and Malla before) loves to chew on fabric, rugs, etc, so that she might ingest the stuffing of the toy or the fabric. That's why I don't have anything in the bunny accessible area that could be chewed and ingested. Anyway, my daughters have been taking an extra good and gentle care of Nelli, and she has actually groomed my daughter's hands already (never happened before). It seems my daughters are doing better than I am, as I'm stuck in the "what if"s and "maybe I should have"s… And as a side note, my parents (when hearing about their granddaughters’ loss of pet) don’t seem to understand at all. It sucks. My father even suggested me to give Nelli away “will be easier”. Suppose he’d suggest my brother to give away their family dog? Uuugh

            • LongEaredLions
              4482 posts Send Private Message

                I am so sorry.
                As much as the world likes to convince us otherwise, our special little bunnies are more than “just a rabbit.” They grab a piece of your heart and take it with them when they go. They become part of the family. I know this must be so hard for you, but try not to question yourself. Sometimes these things happen and we can’t know why. Sending all my hugs and love.

                As far as getting another bunny, don’t do it until you are ready. Whether that be a single day or never, Nelli will be just fine with the attention you are giving her. :0

              • My1&onlyMarshmellow
                13 posts Send Private Message

                  I would try it first before knocking it. I was worried about that too and without any research i bought one and observed closely marshmallows reactions….all he did was lick it. And then after grooming it he well humped it. YeP………..It was weird but not weird at the same time and very funny and was counting on him at least getting extra endorphins  from all that but anyways.

                  Marshmellow  never chewed it because it became his mate in a sick but cute kind of way and respected “her” 

                  No coincidence that a just recently after he just passed this last monday from 5/1/2015 at 3-5p.m… looking around the internet for coping strategies and found a site for bonded bunnies explaining the fake bunny trick as a good way to help the bunny….after the rabbit checks the body of the deceased to confirm and understanding of death a bunny will find comfort in a stuffed animal and will groom it.

                  Occasionally there is a bunny that chews so much it will chew the fake bunny. Please do try it at least and observe it. I would reinforce the fake bunny with love like pet nellie  after petting the fake bunny to get the scent on your hand for slow introduction. After petting nellie pet (strange but i tried it this way and it worked so idk-you don’t have to just what worked for me is all) after petting nellie pet the stuffed bunny to get his scent on the “bunny” so nellie will believe it be a part of his own. Play with nellie as if the bunny is real like i did with mine after a while marshmallow was over it and looked at me like  lady really? but it grew on him and he just really liked. only if you want, I’m just encouraging you to try it.

                • Sr. Melangell
                  1708 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh I’m so sorry to hear this, Malla has gone but you all loved her so she is in your hearts, don’t worry yourself sitting there thinking why and what it was, but whatever it was she is better now, I know how you feel, I was upset when my goldfish died and I was nearly 25 when that happened, a good cry always helps so don’t be afraid to have one.

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                Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Our bunny passed away