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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Sick…

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    • Beka27
      16016 posts Send Private Message

        I have managed to go a long while without being sick (it’s been months)… but alas, all good things must come to an end.

        I’ve missed 2 days of classes… which equals about 2 MONTHS in Dental Hygiene school!

        I’m sneezing and coughing up a lung, I’m hot, I’m cold, now I’m hot again… 

        Dizzy, nauseous, sniffly, sore, TIRED… but I can’t sleep b/c I’m too congested…


        I’ve been able to catch up with some BB posts this morning, which is good… it’s hard to read AND respond with my school schedule… normally I can just read thru some, post a short reply to a few and keep an eye on emergency posts….

        I’ve been watching trashy, daytime tv… Maybe a TV small claims judge is my true life’s calling…

        I’m hoping to pull together a halfway logical paper for school today… I’m sure the cold meds will help me out!

      • Elrohwen
        7318 posts Send Private Message

          Ugh. Feel better! I got sick just last week (though it doesn’t sound like it was as bad as yours) so the typical fall cold is probably going around.

          Though I’m between jobs now so I now how the watching trashy daytime tv thing goes 😉

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            Feel better Beka.

          • KytKattin
            1195 posts Send Private Message

              I feel your pain. I felt that way last week and still kind of feel that way. The flu season is supposedly bad this year. I hope you feel better soon!

            • sally
              170 posts Send Private Message

                get well soon, I was sick with Swine Flu last week, it’s not good! Spreading like crazy in the UK!! Lots of rest you’ll be right soon enough

              • Beka27
                16016 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m a little bit worried that this is what my flu is… it came on very strangely… I had a sore throat last week, lost my voice over the weekend, but I really didn’t feel that bad… no nausea, no congestion, no abnormal fatigue… and then all of a sudden yesterday the “flu” symptoms hit… from everything I’ve read tho, H1N1 is not all that different from the regular seasonal flu, maybe a little more severe, but the general icky flu feeling is going to be the same…

                • katie, max & penny
                  956 posts Send Private Message

                    i had swine flu, a respiratory infection, a sinus infection AND strep all at the same time.
                    I feel for you definitely!

                  • Beka27
                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh no! Quadruple YUCK!

                      I’m at that bad point right now where I CANNOT miss any more school, but it would be very, very, very bad and inconsiderate to go to school and infect everyone else.

                      I *should* get off the computer and get some rest. That’s what I should do…

                    • SophieBun
                      520 posts Send Private Message

                        AAww FEEL BETTER Beka!!!

                        {{{Great Healing Vibes}}}

                      • Monkeybun
                        10479 posts Send Private Message

                          Feel better!

                          Thankfully, I haven’t been sick in a good 3 years, and I think I’ll hide out in the apartment til the swine flu thing passes…. not a fan of getting sick

                        • Monkeybun
                          10479 posts Send Private Message

                            My hubby just said somethign that a doctor friend of his told him yesterday.

                            How you do you treat the swine flu? With an oinkment…


                          • MarkBun
                            2842 posts Send Private Message

                              I have leprosy. I hope to be better by Friday.

                            • Deleted User
                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                Posted By Monkeybun on 10/14/2009 12:09 PM
                                My hubby just said somethign that a doctor friend of his told him yesterday.

                                How you do you treat the swine flu? With an oinkment…



                                Oh Monkey, I will tell this joke to everyine now. It’s too funny!

                                –they just said in the news last night that the olympic athletes aren’t going to be shaking hands during the upcoming olympics b/c of H1N1. Instead they are supposed to “elbow bump” each other at the podium!!!!

                                Beka, maybe this is lame, but when I feel that way like you do now, I love drinking tea made from fresh ginger chunks. It helps with nausea a lot. Try it. I’d make you one but… I’m in Canada! –Aren’t you glad you don’t have a giant dog right now that wants to run and play and go for walks???

                              • katie, max & penny
                                956 posts Send Private Message

                                  oh yeah getting behind in school is awful. i’m still making up work.

                                  and yes, go rest!!

                                • SophieBun
                                  520 posts Send Private Message

                                    How you do you treat the swine flu? With an oinkment…

                                    HAHAHAHA MB you’re too funny I’m gonna go tell it to my hubby now

                                  • Sage Cat
                                    1883 posts Send Private Message

                                      Posted By MarkBun on 10/14/2009 12:44 PM
                                      I have leprosy. I hope to be better by Friday.

                                      Marcus – You better not get any of that on Maryann – you’ll be sorry!

                                      Hope you feel better Beka – luckely flu symptoms are flu symptoms – no matter which one you have – it is a bunmmer!


                                    • Moonlight_Wolf
                                      1155 posts Send Private Message

                                        I think you caught it from me… JK

                                        Hope you feel better soon! I have been sick for over three weeks now, but mine isn’t that bad most days.

                                      • RabbitPam
                                        11002 posts Send Private Message

                                          You have what I like to call The Creeping Crud.
                                          Just keep resting, fluids, and resting. With some fluids.

                                          Mark, LOL. Try not to shake hands with Beka. She doesn’t need a hand with her cold.

                                        • Lara
                                          311 posts Send Private Message

                                            Aw, Beka, I can relate. I’ve had the flu twice this year, already. My most recent sickness, however, came after I had my tonsils out two weeks ago. I was horribly nauseous, and my liver enzymes were WAY up (maximum normal value is 30-something, mine was 691!!) So… I have to have my gallbladder taken out! Ugh!

                                            Anyway, I hope that your flu is just a flu and that you’re feeling better with rest and fluids! That reminds me… flu shot tomorrow (for all the good it did me last year. lol)

                                          • MimzMum
                                            8029 posts Send Private Message

                                              You poor thing! ((((((((((((((((healing vibes for Beka)))))))))))))))) I understand the school thing…my son is having a terrible time adjusting to college work. He’s been homeschooled much of his life and just flounders in a real classroom situation.
                                              But when you’re sick, all bets are off. I’m a big flu weenie. Hand me a blanket and a box of tissues and the Tylenol and don’t ask me to do anything, please! 0_o;

                                            • jerseygirl
                                              22345 posts Send Private Message

                                                Ick. Lurgy Leave ((((Vibes)))) for you Beka.

                                                Monkey, wish I knew that joke when my doc asked if I wanted swine flu vacc last week.
                                                Petzy, the elbow bump would be a sight on the olympic podium – tehe!

                                              • babybunsmum
                                                3896 posts Send Private Message

                                                  ewww… it sucks being sick! i’m surrounded by sickies at work and every 2nd or 3rd day feel as if i’m catching it… but then i get past it. so far so good. i’m trying hard to get all the extra sleep and vit c i can. thats prolly why you’re sick beka… not enough rest being in hygene and being a mother and all. my sis is a hygenist and i do recall how brutal and cram packed her studies were! good luck and sending lots o ((((((get-well-soon vibes))))))

                                                • Beka27
                                                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                    So I went to school today… turns out a couple of my classmates missed yesterday too…

                                                    I feel really bad b/c I can’t help but think I GAVE it to them, but realistically, if they didn’t get it from me, they would have gotten it from someone else. MANY people are sick right now…

                                                    I feel better today (your vibes must have helped!) But I’m still not 100%… more tired than anything… :o(

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                                                Forum THE LOUNGE Sick…